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Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By tweakedenigma, 10 December 2010 at 11:30 pm UTC

Quoting: "Alexander Pataridze, post: 894"I'm back and i hope i'll get at least this game. I was one of the first :( (AKA alexandrius)

You'll have no competition from me, I have 0 artistic talent.

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By BarnD, 10 December 2010 at 1:42 pm UTC

What if i make a logo AND a new theme?

SuperTuxKart 0.7 release candidate 1
By Venn, 7 December 2010 at 5:36 am UTC

I can dig that, kudos!

Glad Felix included the F12 in M.A.R.S. I bugged him about the multiple resolution option. He delivered so I made a quick and dirty overview video

Throw that in if you like it.


SuperTuxKart 0.7 release candidate 1
By Liam Dawe, 6 December 2010 at 5:52 pm UTC

As posted on reddit (really again no need to comment twice).

The jist of my comment - I won't credit UG for 2 lines of code to add a ppa, anyone on Ubuntu generally knows how to do that.

Anyway i removed it as we are a general site not just Ubuntu related, i shouldn't have listed the ppa in the first place.

Also I forgot to link to your site as a source for the video, added it below the video for you :)

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By Liam Dawe, 6 December 2010 at 5:42 pm UTC

You can reset here

Thanks for the two entries so far :)

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By , 6 December 2010 at 4:25 pm UTC

I forgot my password and there's no way to reset it o_O

install instructions:

Replace the header image by the following:
Gaming on Linux
and add style="border: none !important; text-decoration: none !important;" to the A HTML TAG surrounding it.
Please upload the logo and replace the image url too :)

or use a cheap image that contains text

png-withtext: [

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By TheAncientGoat, 6 December 2010 at 2:56 pm UTC

I got the idea when reading the reddit post, not sure how it came out though. The right hand side logo looks a bit off, but oh well :)

SuperTuxKart 0.7 release candidate 1
By Venn, 5 December 2010 at 10:58 pm UTC

Thanks for linking the video! The video is not so random with the intended page [URL='']—-supertuxkart-0-7-rc1-first-look/[/URL] :D

You might care to give my friends at Ubuntu Gamer some credit for noting the [URL='']PPA repo[/URL] :)

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By Rustybolts, 5 December 2010 at 8:47 pm UTC

Welcome back !

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By Liam Dawe, 5 December 2010 at 8:34 pm UTC

Well if you plan to enter then goodluck!

Fancy winning a game of your choice?!
By Alexander Pataridze, 5 December 2010 at 6:40 pm UTC

I'm back and i hope i'll get at least this game. I was one of the first :( (AKA alexandrius)

We have been featured on...
By Liam Dawe, 4 December 2010 at 11:45 pm UTC

Have now been featured in a magazine!

Latest issue page 32 i think it is :D

We have been featured on...
By Rustybolts, 5 November 2010 at 5:59 pm UTC

[B][/B]Google translator
QuoteOn the blue pages of information (On Linux Gaming), confirming the entry appeared in this month edition of the second episode of the game Caster.

We plan to deliver (second episode) to the end of this month unless there are further problems with the 3D drivers that need to be addressed

Soon to be released patch 1.3 for the game Caster (version for Windows and MacOS is available for some time)

Official website of the game:
Caster in the shop's Profile:

Shame the end of the month has been and gone and still no episode 2 SIGH! :x

Thinking of switching over to xenForo forum software.
By MaximB, 4 November 2010 at 8:10 am UTC

Re: Thinking of switching over to xenForo forum software.

From my point of view the current GOL website and forums seems fine, what do you want to add/change that you can't do with phpbb but can with xenForo ?

We have been featured on...
By Liam Dawe, 3 November 2010 at 10:55 pm UTC

[B][/B]Another article here:
[URL=''] ... -miesiacu/[/URL]

They linked to us :)

We will be featured in Ubuntu's "Full Circle Magazine"
By MaximB, 27 October 2010 at 2:09 pm UTC

Re: We will be featured in Ubuntu's "Full Circle Magazine"

Good idea.

I never thought contacting them about .
Migght be a good idea after I resume my posting (I'm in my depression period, gotta wait till WW2...).

We have been featured on...
By Rustybolts, 25 October 2010 at 3:28 pm UTC

[B][/B]Italian to English translation
QuoteWhen it comes to searching for the penguin games you get in trouble '! There 'who assumed that the Linux gaming is poor, since the vast majority of companies does not point to issue licenses can work on our distribution! This does not mean that the games are non-existent for Linux much less than those available to be poor! Are 'praise from all the web projects, often carried out at the expense and sacrifice of individuals who seek to direct users, cataloging and reviewing games for linux (really many)! Here's what you'll see by visiting

Google translate (you get the idea)

Welcome to Rustybolts as Global Mod!
By tweakedenigma, 24 October 2010 at 1:39 pm UTC

Re: Welcome to Rustybolts as Global Mod!

Congrats Rusty

HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !
By MaximB, 24 October 2010 at 11:59 am UTC

Re: HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !

Can those people read ?
Why do they ask for HoN trial key if they can register for free ?

Welcome to Rustybolts as Global Mod!
By Rustybolts, 24 October 2010 at 11:33 am UTC

Re: Welcome to Rustybolts as Global Mod!

But do you think Green makes my bum look big in this? :D

HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !
By flAnyn, 20 October 2010 at 12:36 am UTC

Re: HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !

posting for hon trial key

ty in advance

HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !
By alisonandre, 14 October 2010 at 8:42 pm UTC

Re: HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !

Hello hon and an awesome game so I'm posting here to try to win a trial key hon best online game

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
By tweakedenigma, 13 October 2010 at 12:56 am UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

Quoting: liamdaweThey will hopefully be back up tomorrow so i shall email them, don't worry have not forgotten!

No problem, I checked the LGP site and noticed it was down, so I kind of figured thats what was going on.

Long weekends over, but at least I have something for the next one :).

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
By Liam Dawe, 12 October 2010 at 9:26 pm UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

They will hopefully be back up tomorrow so i shall email them, don't worry have not forgotten!

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
By tweakedenigma, 10 October 2010 at 1:30 pm UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

Thanks very much Liamdawe. This will Give me something to do over the long weekend here is Canada :).

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
By Liam Dawe, 10 October 2010 at 10:46 am UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

Well tweakedenigma wins and as soon as LGP is back up i will get in contact to get them to send you your prize, can you PM me your email, thanks.

Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD
By MaximB, 27 September 2010 at 5:34 pm UTC

Re: Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD

Purely game projects (dunno about game engines), as the other stuff is related to a lot of things (you don't see me writing about Nvidia/ATI drivers on LGN nor about the X server).

I think I'll need some "outside judges" for this contest - "someone who knows" ;) , 1 programmer who contributed to a game project and 1 artist (but then again, they might choose the contester who contribute to their project). tough choices.

Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD
By Hamish, 27 September 2010 at 4:50 pm UTC

Re: Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD

That does not sound like a bad idea Maxim, though it does sound like something which could be rather difficult to judge. Still, I like the idea of using the prize as encouragement to support the free software community. And of course before one would embark on such a venture one would have to consider the rules and precepts of the contest. For example, does it have to be a purely game project, or would contributing to such things as a programming IDE to make it more game friendly, or contributing to Mesa (now it would be intersting to see if some of those developers are reading LGN!) also count as a contribution?

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
By MaximB, 27 September 2010 at 11:56 am UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

I already have this game, but just for the heck of it (to have a prize for a contest ;) )

October 10th, at 10:00:00 (PM...right...)

I suspect that tweakedenigma will take this contest ;)

Edit by admin, changed to PM as requested.

Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD
By MaximB, 27 September 2010 at 11:52 am UTC

Re: Rustybolts wins Amensia TDD

Quoting: HamishCongratulations Rustybolts, now we just got to see what Maxim Bardin of LGN chooses to do with the copy he has got. That will have to wait due to unfortunate circumstances of course. :(

No worries, I've already thought of a contest - but the problem is that it would be very hard to judge from my standing.

Basically as I have 2 copies I thought of making a contribution contest in which one may contribute to any FOSS gaming project either in code or art (as there will be one winner in each category).
The contesters must not be already in that project and it must be their first contribution to that project.
The problem is that I am no programmer and I have a no idea how to judge the programmers.
Also as the gaming projects will be different it will be hard to judge which person contributed more or better.