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CoinRPG! A Bitcoin RPG, Beta Release!

By Jonathan Malave,
Kuroato Media releases CoinRPG Beta! Available for PC, Mac, Linux, and Browser Platforms. CoinRPG is a Bitcoin inspired Multiplayer Online Action RPG Game! Explore an open world, discover hidden treasures and hunt monsters for loot.

Procedural Death Jam Starts On The 8th, Helping OpenGameArt Raise Funding

By Liam Dawe,
A new game jam is about to start named "Procedural Death Jam" that is aimed at giving OpenGameArt some needed exposure, and to get the term Procedural Death Labyrinth some exposure too.

Nova-111 A Sci-Fi Themed Turn Based Adventure With Alien Fighting

By Liam Dawe,
Nova-111 is a funny looking little indie game where you control a cute little science vessel looking for lost scientists.

Halfway, A Futuristic Turn Based Strategy Game Development Update

By Liam Dawe,
Well, Halfway sadly isn't with us yet, but the developers have written a new blog post telling us what is happening with some screen-shots and a video.

Puppy Arcade - Retro Gaming Live CD

By Scott Jarvis,
Puppy Arcade is a FREE retro gaming operating system, with many emulators included for different systems & consoles, plus the multi-system rom browser 'Rom-Loader', and many other exclusive tools.

Wasteland 1 The Original Classic Survival RPG Heading To Desura, DRM Free Fans Go Wild

By Liam Dawe,
For you DRM free loving, Steam bashing crew Wasteland 1 is heading to Desura and is only a few days away!

New SOMA Teaser Trailer From Frictional Games

By Liam Dawe,
SOMA is the new sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games (creators of Amnesia) and it looks like it will be a good one!

Gabe Newell Of Valve Answers Questions, CS:GO Coming To Linux & Steam To Be A Self-Publishing System

By Liam Dawe,
So, you love getting questions answered right? Gabe Newell of Valve did an AMA last night and luckily I managed to get him to confirm CS:GO for Linux.

Steam Has Greenlit Plenty More Linux Games

By Liam Dawe,
Today Steam has greenlit 50 more games, there are a few good ones that have Linux support too here is my stand-out list.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today

By Liam Dawe,
Crawl is the competitive multiplayer dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters! Sounds good, but will Crawl deliver?

Drifter Open-World Sandbox Space Trader Now On Steam Early Acces

By Liam Dawe,
Drifter is an open-world sandbox space trading game with a procedurally-generated galaxy 100,000 light years across made up of tens of thousands of star systems to explore and features an original soundtrack by composer Danny Baranowsky.

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Two games from Might and Delight are confirmed by the developer to be heading to Linux, we have the scoop for you!

The UnEarth Initiative, A Strategy Game About Colonizing Alien Worlds

By Liam Dawe,
The UnEarth Initiative is a science fiction game created by veteran developers of the classic Playstation 2 Ratchet & Clank series. This 3D Sim mixes humor and charm with the deep gameplay of building and exploration on a previously undiscovered planet.

Starbound Has A Huge Content Update

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the awesome 2d universe sandbox game has a big content update, and we have the nitty gritty details for you.

Unvanquished FPS/RTS Hybrid Releases Alpha 25, Out With The Old

By Liam Dawe,
Unvanquished has released like clockwork their 25th alpha release, this time ripping out their old renderer completely.

Star Conflict Beautiful Space MMO Looks Like It May Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
So, you love your MMO games right? Add in the fact that it's in space and space is beautiful and we have a winning mix. Enter Star Conflict!

Toy Soldiers: Complete May Come To Linux If The Interest Is There

By Liam Dawe,
Toy Soldiers: Complete is in early access on Steam and it looks seriously fun, the developers have now stated if there is enough interest we could see a Linux version.

Dungeon Colony, A Fantasy Real-Time Strategy Game Updated

By Liam Dawe,
Dungeon Colony the intriguing real-time strategy were you control a group of dungeon dwelling minions has been updated with some needed fixes.

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included

By Liam Dawe,
Dust: An Elysian Tail is a pretty new game for our little platform, and thanks to being included in a recent Humble Indie Bundle they have now hit 1 million sales and we have Linux stats for you.

GOL Cast: Trying Not To Starve In Don't Starve

By Samsai,
Don't Starve is not just the name of the game, it's also your main objective along with staying out of the darkness, not going insane and not letting the beasts eat you alive. Following those words of wisdom might seem easy, but surviving in the world of Don't Starve won't be so easy.