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Sprite Lamp - Dynamic Lighting For 2D Art

By Liam Dawe,
Not a game itself but will be very useful for developers i'm sure, Sprite Lamp is a tool to help game developers combine 2D art, such as digital painting or pixel art, with dynamic lighting.

Apotheon Confirmed For Linux!

By Nicodemus,
Apotheon, the upcoming action game that leverage's a unique look based on ancient Grecian art styles is now confirmed for Linux!Beautiful action game coming to Linux!

Steam Update Kills Wine Support

By boltronics,
The latest Steam update no longer works in wine but a patch due out this weekend should fix the issue.

Starbound 2D Universe Sandbox Game Beta To Start Today

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the game I have probably been most excited about this year is due to drop into public beta in less than an hour, are you ready to rock?

Valve Has Joined The Linux Foundation

By Liam Dawe,
Not exactly gaming news but still interesting and it can impact Linux gaming in the future, Valve (and others) has joined the Linux Foundation.

Prison Architect Alpha 15 Launched

By Liam Dawe,
Bit late of this as I catch up, but Prison Architect has hit a fifteenth alpha version featuring mod support!

Fancy Skulls Permadeath FPS Updated With Plenty of Screenshake

By Liam Dawe,
Fancy Skulls is a first person shooter with procedural generation and permadeath. When you die - you will have to start over, but level layout, enemy placement and items are random each time you play.

Owlchemy Labs' Dyscourse - 3 Days Left!

By Liam Dawe,
Dyscourse, the new psychological survival adventure game from Owlchemy Labs (Snuggle Truck, Jack Lumber), will be completing its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in only three days.

Journey of a Roach Coming To Linux & Needs Testers

By Liam Dawe,
The developers of Journey of a Roach are looking to port their game to Linux and are looking for a group of Linux gamers to help them test it.

Gravity Badgers Casual Indie Game Released On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Step into the space suit of valiant gravity badger Captain T Bayback as he ventures into the deadly depths of deep space to save his friends, family and the universe itself from the threat of the deadly Evil Honey Badgers, aka the Hellsett.

Elder Sign: Omens Strategy Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Elder Sign: Omens is a digital version of the popular board game by Fantasy Flight Games. Build a team of unique investigators and fight to keep an all-powerful Ancient One from invading our world! Explore museums, oceans, deserts and more for the arcane Elder Signs that will help seal the Ancient One away.

Steam's November Hardware Survey - Linux Still Mostly Holding Itself Up

By Liam Dawe,
Here is the latest instalment of Steam's Hardware Survey, as usual we do our monthly thing and compare it and talk about it and make sure you know not to use it as a hard figure.

OpenMW V0.27.0 Released And A Sneak Peek On OpenCS

By OpenMW team,
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.27.0! This release brings the first official release of OpenCS, the OpenMW team's efforts to bring an open source solution for editing content for OpenMW. OpenCS is in an early Alpha state, please take that into consideration when testing! See the full notes below.

A Steam Machine From iBuyPower Has Been Shown Off

By Liam Dawe,
So the first Steam Machine has been shown off and it looks awesome with some decent specifications to boot.

Starbound The Awesome Looking 2D Sandbox Game To Enter Beta Soon!

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the ever increasingly fun looking sandbox game is due to head into beta around the 4th of December.

GOL Cast: Being Extremely Tactical in Nuclear Dawn

By Samsai,
You've probably seen a bunch of articles related to this tactical FPS/RTS game running on the Source engine. Before buying it I had compared the screenshots and gameplay ideas to Natural Selection 2 and thought about skipping it. But thanks to Steam's Autumn Sale I decided to pick it up anyways, which turned out to be a good decision after all.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Nearing Beta For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
So it looks like XCOM: Enemy Unknown is nearing beta status with a new entry on the SteamDB, not 100% confirmation of course but it looks quite convincing.

Scraps: Customisable Vehicle Combat For Windows/Mac/Linux Now On Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
Build a combat vehicle from parts. Components have real functions, and realistic physics support your horrible design decisions.

Signal Ops First-Person Strategy Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Greetings Officer-Cadet o249, Are you ready to be put to the test? If deemed worthy, you will be assigned as an officer in the shadowy halls of Facility 7C. You will remotely lead a squad of operatives on daring espionage missions to plant evidence, steal secrets, assassinate targets, and perform sabotage for the glory of the Dark Father.

Major Planetary Annihilation RTS Patch For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
So while the latest beta patch for Planetary Annihilation may seem trivial to most people, it includes something very interesting for Linux players!