FTL: Advanced Edition is the free expansion to the extremely frustrating FTL game and it will be released on April the 3rd!
Spate is a very unusual looking platformer with a full-story about the death of your daughter and your battle with alcoholism. It has some of the most fantastic looking back-drops i've ever seen for a platformer.
Creeper World 3 is what happens when cellular automata takes over a strategy simulation. Instead of discreet units that attack your base, a fluid-like substance spreads over the terraformable terrain. Your base, your weapons, your strategy... you must adapt them all.
I took some time to have a chat with Stefan Achatz who took it upon himself to write drivers and interfaces for ROCCAT gaming hardware to make sure they work on Linux.
Now this is putting Humble back on the map for Linux gamers, a weekly sale where some of the proceeds go towards open source projects!
Hellraid is a fantastic looking action RPG that is due to launch this year, I got in touch with the developers to see what the chances are of Linux support.
Icebound is a dark fantasy visual novel that takes place in a steampunk world locked in the depths of an ice age, where alchemists possess supernatural powers.
Contagion a co-op survival horror FPS game that got kickstarted in October last year, it had Linux & Mac at a stretch-goal that was hit, but they have still been delayed.
Dark Raid is a good looking FPS with a single-player story and multi-player, luckily the developers have confirmed they are looking to support Linux.
I got in touch with 11bit Studios about how the Linux version of their new game This War Of Mine will happen and luckily for us the answer is a good one.
Tropico 5 is playing it cool with a second teaser trailer, it very much resembles the start of a Pirates of the Caribbean film...love it.
Dungeon Prospector isn't dead roguelike fans! The developer has released update #17 after half a year of no updates and it's a whopper.
Remember You Have to Win the Game? The fun super-retro platformer I did a video of? Well Super Win the Game has been announced as a sequel, I can't wait!
Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan was released onto Steam for Linux on the 17th of March, so after just over a week we managed to grab some Linux sales statistics from the developer to share with you.
So, you all heard about Facebook buying Oculus Rift right? I considered doing an article last night, but I decided to let my own and everyone else's hot heads cool down a bit.
Maia is the fantastic looking space colony sim currently in early access that shows massive promise. A new update is out adding in tons of content, it's worth a looksie.
Star Conflict is a beautiful looking space-based free 2 play MMO that has finally be confirmed for Linux. We have known it was going to happen after the previous hints, but it is good to get solid confirmation.
The community manager for Unepic a fun looking 2D Platformer-RPG has confirmed that the Linux port has made "good headway", so we should hopefully see it this year.
You may not remember this, but Eador. Masters of the Broken World was supposed to come to Linux, and promise after promise it still hasn't arrived, but why? I got in touch with the developers to find out why.
Escape Goat 2 is now available on Linux from developer Ian Stocker, I put it through its paces to see if it's a good goat simulator or not. Spoiler: It's not a good goat simulator, but it is a good game.