Rotion is a challenging, addictive game where the aim is to clear shapes by getting to the middle and popping them. Relax in free play and Single, explore the Campaign, play against your fri...
We are a little late at covering this, but following the less than cheery news that Disney had closed down the venerable LucasArts in favour of licensing out their famous franchises to other developers instead, Raven Software has decided to actually m...
This is quite interesting, here we have the slides from Valve's GDC talk on porting over to Linux. It makes for an interesting read and lays it out very simply for the non techies.
It gives a good nod to SDL as well which is used for Stea...
Black Annex is an action strategy game where the player operates the hands-on business of corporate sabotage and infiltration. Manage company resources, customise and outfit your agents before deploy...
So how do you fancy your chances of winning a Steam key for Red Orchestra the First Person Shooter? We have two keys to give away!
Just follow us on twitte...
After the recent reddit post to state the original Half-Life mod Natural Selection is coming to Linux, I decided to poke to developers of Natural Selection 2 for details of a Linux version...
The humble weekly sale is back with 2 Linux games, and one windows only game.
The games this week are: Red Orchestra, Red Orchestra 2, and The Killing Floor Bundle (all 11 DLC).
You've just crash landed; your journey begins with limited resources and the knowledge that you will be facing wave after wave of hostile enemies. You must engage or evade them to survive. You can hide your crash site and base by manipulating the w...
Project Zomboid a game that has been in development for some time now due to some rather unfortunate drawbacks is finally nearing it's next release!
Bleak is a platformer that sets out to be incredibly story and lore focused. Their hope is to set out to create a game that is not only challenging to play, but is also an engrossing world that one can spend hours mulling over the details.
The 2.0.0 release of Soul Capture, a free software utility developed by Piga Software which can be used to capture both the video and audio playback of OpenGL applications such as games, has now been released.
All the talk nowadays if of "unification" or to paraphrase Mark Shuttleworth and Ubuntu the "availability of a single interface for all devices." And with all this talk I began to wonder why more gaming engine's aren't jumping on board.