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A Thought on What Holds Linux Gaming Back

By n30p1r4t3,
All the talk nowadays if of "unification" or to paraphrase Mark Shuttleworth and Ubuntu the "availability of a single interface for all devices."  And with all this talk I began to wonder why more gaming engine's aren't jumping on board.

OpenMW v0.22.0

By OpenMW,
The OpenMW team is incredibly proud to announce the release of version 0.22.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA and for Debian in our

Steams March user survey is out, Linux goes down!

By Liam Dawe,
This Month Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit 0.47% +0.04% Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 64 bit 0.28% +0.28% Ubuntu 12.10 0.19% 0.00% Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 0.16% +0.16% Linux Mint 14 Nadia 64 bit 0.13% +0.13% Linux 64 bit 0.1...

Valve continues pushing adding 5 new titles!

By Liam Dawe,
Valve has done another push and put up 5 new games to Linux! All in Beta though so be warned there will be bugs! The titles are Ricochet,

Double Fine And 90,000 Friends Present A Teaser For Broken Age

By Cheeseness,
After deliberation and a community vote, the name for Double Fine's cross-platform crowd funded adventure game has been tentatively set as Broken Age (it may change in the future, but I've got a hunch it will grow on everybody). Ye...

Fester Mudd adventure game released for Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
Set in Wild West, FESTER MUDD: CURSE OF THE GOLD is a three-part comic saga of exploration, reunion, and redemption…and a love letter to the classic adventure games of ...

Starsector space combat sim gets a new trailer!

By Liam Dawe,
Starsector (originally Starfarer) is a space combat sim I have been following for a long time now, it is constantly evolving and becoming more awesome, it has everything a decent space combat sim ...

Postal, Dungeon Defenders and Dungeon Hearts added to Steam for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
So the push for Linux games on Steam just keeps on going, this time we have Postal, Dungeon Defenders

Just Tactics turn based strategy 1.0 Released

By shaunix,
As sent to me in an email: QuoteHi Shaunix, Version 1.0.0 is done.   It is an amazing feeling!   Just Tactics looks good, sounds good, and plays great.   We are in...

Humble Troubles Again, more platform specific bundles

By Liam Dawe,
So, Humble Bundle, we meet again in my Editorials. This time, I am going to be a little less harsh than previous entries, but still I thought I should write about this and see what everyone’s opinion is. Previously, I was, I suppose, over...

Kinetic Void 3D space adventure will be heading to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Kinetic Void is a 3D space adventure with a focus on customization and enjoyable space simulation. The game is one of the few in Steam's new Early Access section (meaning it's early i...

PixelJunc Inc comming to Linux

By Bumadar,
The brilliant peeps over at Q-Games in Kyoto - Japan have announced they will be bringing their newest game in the PixelJunk series: ...

Monster RPG 2 major new version 2.0 is out!

By Liam Dawe,
Monster RPG 2 the now open source RPG game reminiscent of early Final Fantasy games has just hit its 2.0 release! There are masses of changes, far too many to list here but here a...

Whispering Willows horror puzzle game fully funded

By Liam Dawe,
Whispering Willows - Elena must control her spirit to save her father. Help ghosts and solve puzzles to uncover the secrets of the W...

TrAInsported - Experimental game coming to Linux!

By Germanunkol,
About half a year ago, I was using the trains in my home town to get to a birthday party. A trip that should have taken me around 45 minutes took me over 3 hours due to bad organisation. On the way, I had lots of time to think, and one of the thoug...