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Humble Indie Bundle 7!

By Liam Dawe,
Well here it is and it's a good one too! Humble Indie Bundle 7 is here! The only real problem I have with Humble is that still they are rushing things and still putting out gam...

Legend of Grimrock dungeon crawler in the USC

By Liam Dawe,
This is awesome, Legend of Grimrock is now available via the Ubuntu Software Centre! The game is really awesome and plays much like the old Dungeon Master game (if anyone besides me remembers that!).

Reprisal pay what you want! IGS

By Liam Dawe,
Reprisal is current on Indie Game Stand for pay what you want!

Just Tactics: Turn based strategy goes into Beta!

By Liam Dawe,
Just Tactics is a game I showed you before when the developers emailed me which has now gone into playabl...

Legends of Aethereus Linux Beta

By Liam Dawe,
The folks over at posted today on their

0 A.D. Alpha 12 released! Open source RTS goodness

By Liam Dawe,
As noted to you a week ago I mentioned the new release was imminent and it's now here! So please welcome 0 A.D...

Forsaken Fortress - the survival RPG - 5 days to go!

By Liam Dawe,
So checking up on our list of current Crowdfunding games it's time for your reminder! This reminder is featuring

Eureka offers a new option for Doom mappers

By Hamish,
A friend of mine on another forum sent me a message to ask for my opinion of Eureka, a new free software map editor for Doom engine based games that is itself based on Yadex, which was the classic option for Linux mappers back in the day.

THQ looking at possible Linux ports

By Anon, "Got the Linux message load and clear via

Enemy Starfighter a cool looking space shooter!

By Liam Dawe,
Introducing Enemy Starfighter a brand new space combat simulator. A civilization’s downfall or ascension always begins with one thing: you. The Penitent Crusade has lasted...

War for the Overworld Spiritual Successor of Dungeon Keeper Series

By NaGeL182,
War For the Overworld is the Spiritual Successor of Dungeon Keeper series, Made by dedicated Dungeon Keeper fans from Keeper Klan. They Formed Subterranean games a team formed of professionals, Modders and Enthusiastic individuals, to recreate and improve...

Steam to become an Open Beta next week!

By Liam Dawe,
OMGUbuntu has reported on this thanks to an email they got from the steam mailing list (which for some reason I haven't seemed to have gotten). QuoteValve cite the ‘stability of the client’ as allowing for t...

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition for free from gog!

By Liam Dawe,
"Damn, I'm looking good!"

Meriwether: An American Epic

By Liam Dawe,
Introducing Meriwether: An American Epic Kickstarter - "Take command of the Corps of Discovery in this RPG based on the historic Lewis and Clark ...

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for Linux is in the works

By Liam Dawe,
Linux gaming really is coming along isn't it! Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition is now confirmed to be coming to Linux a developer tweeted. Trent Oster tweeted this interesting bit of info: I have just signed the

Vessel for Linux live!

By Anon,
The Vessel for Linux build was just released for everyone! It's 1.0, so there's still a chance of multiple bugs being in there, however go and play it so they can be found and fixed. And here's the list I'm aware of:

Steam at your Login Screen script updated!

By Thomaz dos Reis,
This is a script to enable you to login to Steam's Big Picture mode directly from login that we featured on here before. QuoteI've just released and updated in my steam-login project that aims to put STEAM BigPictu...