Another Kickstarter called Forsaken Fortress has popped up with support for Linux for $15+.
It looks and sounds pretty good as well with som...
This is interesting LA Game Space is kickstarting to make a nonprofit center for videogame art, design, and research. A place ...
System 76 the Ubuntu based computer supplier has brought out a Gaming Laptop named "Bonobo" (what an odd name!).
It has some pretty beefy internals including a top of the line...
Steam developer Frank announced via the Steam for Linux group that the limited Steam Beta has been expanded by another 5,000 people.
The Real Texas is an action adventure game that plays like a mashup of Zelda: Link to the Past and Ultima VI.
Sam, an ordinary Texas rancher, is on holiday in England when he falls into a blue portal and lands in Strange, Texas.
Earlier today I was exchanging tweets with Terry Cavanagh (creator of VVVVVV) about his new game Super Hexa...
Last month saw the 0.8 branch of Desurium receive final polishes after entering a "feature freeze". We are on our third Release Candidate and are seeking feedback before moving...
So if you have a laptop with Nvidia Optimus (Intel and Nvidia graphics) it can be a royal pain to get it all working correctly (currently you would always be using the Intel chip), quite some time ago (over a year infact!)
Shorebound studio's, the people behind the sadly failed kickstarter Shadow Remnants are doing a small kickstarter for their almost finished gam...
Mystic Mine by Koonsolo has gone open source and is now available on ...
Linux Game Publishing recently lost the license they had for selling the X-series of games. Now, we know why. The developer Egosoft is taking care of the porting themselve...
Okay folks Desurium (The open source client for Desura) needs more testing and feedback. Remember to submit all bugs (although try to s...
The Adventures of Rick Rocket is now available on Desura!
It's the golden age of space exploration. As mankind begins to venture out into space, a m...
Good news for Ubuntu fans worldwide! Airline Tycoon Deluxe has landed in the Ubuntu Software Centre!
Thomas from Runesoft mailed ...
Okay so today we got hit by a rather large spam attack I am currently dealing with.
I have banned most of the spammers but still going through the list and also added a much more powerful captcha (you now have to play a small game to registe...
This is something worth looking into, omgubuntu reported on a github page here by "thor27" where you can in Ubuntu install a Steam Big Picture session so when you login all you ...
Unity3D the awesome game engine has official released 4.0 including the much requested Linux publishing support which will hopefully pave way for many more Linux titles!