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Colour Bind

By Rustybolts,

Tomes of Mephistopheles new screencast

By motorsep,
I recorded a new screencast for ToM where I briefly describe new features alpha #10 brought to you.

Shadow Remnants Linux Support Planned

By Liam Dawe,
Ryan Berkani emailed me ...

I bring you a new way to keep up to date! And the future of GOL

By Liam Dawe,
So while I have had a bit of time this weekend I started work on a new website, while not directly Linux gaming related it is Linux related so I present to you a very rough website to look up I called Linux 4 Today.

The Battle for the Solar System

By Bumadar,
Battle for the solar system is originally a book trilogy of which book 1 -The Honour of the Knights- came out as a soft-cover a few years ago, something I still prefer over eBook, and was a really enjoyable read. Book 2 -The Third Side- came out as eBook ...

Oculus Rift VR Headset To Support Linux

By Cheeseness,
I've been hunting for an affordable head mounted display (HMD) for years, and I've always been stunned at how high the price point for VR gear in general has managed to stay so high over the past decade and a half. There's cu...

Helena 3rd 90% off on Desura!

By CzarnyNalesnik,
If you want Helena 3rd, you can buy now as 0.79eur, that's 90% cheaper than normal price. The sale will last to end of this week, hurry up and go to

Urban Terror 4.2

By Liam Dawe,
Urban Terror a cross platform online FPS (tactical shooter rather than the massive amount of quake likes) is about to hit 4.2 (release date is today). 4.2 is a massive update in...

Unigine updates!

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome UNIGINE Engine has a new video to show off some new effects!

New Valve Linux Blog Post Talks About Performance

By Cheeseness,
Valve have just published a new post to their Linux blog talking about their experiences with increasing the performance of Left 4 Dead 2 on Linux.

Minecraft 1.3.1 released!

By Liam Dawe,
Wow it's been a long time coming but Minecraft 1.3.1 is finally out! Highlights of this release; Featuring some huge changes including the debut of the long a...

Defense Grid To Come To Linux Eventually

By Cheeseness,
I've been in communication with Jeff from Hidden Path about their plans for the Defense Grid franchise beyond the in-progress Kickstarter campaign (which we previo...

Kickstarter Castle Story

By Bumadar,
Castle Story is a creative voxel-based strategy game in which you can build castles one brick at a time using an army of little characters called Bricktrons. Your goal will be to explore a vast landscape full of mysteries and dangers, and de...

Tomes of Mephistopheles new alpha is out

By motorsep,
New alpha #0.09a (although the menu still shows it as 0.08a :oops: ) is out with all new menu GUI, re-textured dungeons and spell crafting ability. Desura and

Zombie Tux Spotted in L4D2 Update Announcement

By Cheeseness,
The most recent Left 4 Dead 2 update (which includes the community created Cold Stream campaign,plus the original Left 4 Dead 1 campaigns) announcement includes a mention of upcoming Linux suppo...


By Rustybolts,
T3hb3n has released Hackwork a realtime strategy game with a unique computer hacking scenario. Hackwork is available from Desura priced at £2.99 [media=vimeo]45321327[/media] About: Quote...