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Steel Storm 2 new dev video

By motorsep,
We have a blizzard sweeping through:

Faster Than Light coming September 14th!

By Liam Dawe,
After their successful kickstarter and Alpha/Beta releases Subset Games have announced FTLGame is go for release on September the 14th. I have confirmation from them the Linux build will ...

Baldurs Gate revamp may get Linux version

By Liam Dawe,
Baldurs Gate is getting revamped in the name of Baldurs Gate: Enchanced Edition and it may even be getting a Linux version, pretty big news considering this one one of those games that left behind quite a big legacy. "We are in talks ar...

The Linux Game Publishing cogs are moving

By Liam Dawe,
Linux Game Publishing has pushed their first titled to the Ubuntu Software Centre, the first title is Sacred Gold (one I personal...

Community Driven Monster Catching Strategy RPG

By IgnisDeveloper,
We just Kickstarted a new Moai powered game, Deozoa: Legends of Eden (Moai is an open source game engine t...

Desert Stormfront

By Rustybolts,
Noble Masters Games have announced via Twitter that the follow up to RTS game Tropical Stormfront, Desert Stormfront will be available next month. Desert Stormfront will be available on PC, Mac, Linux & Android platforms and there is ...

Planetary Annihilation RTS on Kickstarter

By Cheeseness,
Planetary Annihilation, a multi-planet RTS by Uber Entertainment, which has a team including people who worked on Total Annihilation a...

Example Unity 4 Titles Ready For Testing

By Cheeseness,
I came across this Unity forum thread earlier today, in which a couple of tech demos/test games have been posted for Linux testing.

"The Unvanquished" team's interview

By Alex V.Sharp,
Following the uncharted paths of open source gaming deeper into the unknown, this week GOL brings you an interview with a whole lot of people involved with the development of the upcoming game 'Unvanquished'. It is considered the "spiritual...

Steel Storm 2 development update

By motorsep,
Got small update on Steel Storm 2 (short screencast):

FLAT - An Ice Skating FPS

By Cheeseness,
Back in June, I participated in the 7 Day FPS Challenge (7DFPS), and developed, along with two other talented people, a first person ice skating combat game called

Steam beta will be out "fairly quickly"

By Liam Dawe,
GabeN of Valve has stated to GameTrailers that Steam will have BETA's out fairly soon. Video ->

Minimon Online a monster capture game!

By Liam Dawe,
Minimon Online is a monster capture game recently released for Linux, Mac and Windows (previously only on Android and ios).

Cheese Talks: More Humble Bundle Stuff!

By Cheeseness,
Hi all When the Humble Music Bundle launched, I was pretty excited by the notion of a non game-oriented bundle and the potential extra perspective it might give on contributor behaviour for other bundles.

Trine 2: Goblin Menace Expansion Announced

By Hamish,
Although word of an expansion (not DLC) being developed has been around for months, Frozenbyte has now officially announced work on Trine 2: Goblin Menace!

Monster RPG 2 Buy CD for Charity

By Rustybolts,
QuoteGet Monster RPG 2 on a professionally printed disc in the mail and support charity! I will personally pay the shipping and handling charges on all purchases. They cost $10 each, and 100% of that money will go to

Humble Bundle for Android 3

By Rustybolts,
New HIB is up and this one is the 3rd one with Android support.

Slides From Valve's OpenGL BOF Talk at SIGGRAPH

By Cheeseness,
G'day all Copies of the slides from Rich Geldreich's talk at last week's SIGGRAPH OpenG...