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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Steam Beta expands for another 5000!
22 November 2012 at 4:18 pm UTC

Someone I know got in so at least a few emails got sent already.

Desurium 0.8 RC3 Call For Testing
20 November 2012 at 9:47 pm UTC

Hmm that looks like bug: [URL='']#190[/URL]

Team Fortress 2 now available for anyone using Steam not in the Beta!
19 November 2012 at 1:19 pm UTC

Well they work up to driver beta 8 so i just downgraded and it works now.

Downloading TF2 now!

Egosoft plans new Linux ports for X3
17 November 2012 at 7:59 pm UTC

Great find, good to see them bringing it back!

Website hit by spam attack
17 November 2012 at 8:00 pm UTC

Well it seems to have stopped new ones registering for now and i have banned all the ones that posted spam so far.

Steam big picture from login!
15 November 2012 at 6:48 pm UTC

Quoting: "whizse, post: 6366, member: 126"I guess I fail to see why creating a couple of crappy debian packages for a couple of lines of shell script just to launch the steam executable with a special switch is something to cheer about, or why it needs a github page.

Then again, the omgbuntu page has loads of comments, so I guess it's just me be old and outdated.

For all the people like me too lazy to make the session themselves :p

Distance (Nitronic Rush spiritual succesor) fully funded!
22 November 2012 at 11:28 pm UTC

Well we all have our own opinions on why people are now jumping into bed with Linux and no one is right and no one is wrong until those companies/developers specifically state why, even then it's a question of if they are telling the truth or not which again is down to if you believe them or not....

My personal opinion is that Valve is only doing it now because Gabe is worried about the future with Windows and Mac both getting more locked down he doesn't want his company losing out - Linux is his escape goat - again that's just my opinion. I love Valve and Steam either way though I really don't care.

I also don't see GOG supporting Linux in the near future because of all the bull they seem to spout each time it's asked. They are just a shop without a desktop client so who cares we have Gameolith and Indievania if you want something like that, if you want a client Steam and Desurium fit the bill.

My main point is that it's been talking about over and over, they support us now, let's be happy about that.

Also I spoke with ttimo recently, he's hard at work on Urban Terror HD :)

Q&A with Hero-U's Corey & Lori Cole
12 November 2012 at 9:36 pm UTC

Updated with a new question answered by Lori.

New user-made content for Steel Storm
12 November 2012 at 10:00 pm UTC

I very much dislike deleting posts but it was requested and i like to keep the peace. However in future all sides should be warned from now on full disclosure i will not delete ;)

New user-made content for Steel Storm
12 November 2012 at 9:46 pm UTC

Just a note to commenters - if you have problems with updates etc email their support rather than trolling the developer here, thanks :)

I like to try to keep a calm community.