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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Killing Floor and Red Orchestra on Steam for non-BETA users
12 November 2012 at 9:40 pm UTC

I also purchased UT3 in the hopes of then Linux client, the game pretty much sucked anyway for me I really wasn't a fan of it - mainly why i'm not that bothered about that one heh.

I always think learning from mistake is enough - if people learn and do better then what's not to like. Some people expect too much, i don't expect perfection, people are human, companies are out to get money only and nothing else if a platform isn't in their eyes a money maker they will drop support for it.

Thankfully Linux in the past year or so is proving to be a money maker so things will only get better.

Killing Floor and Red Orchestra on Steam for non-BETA users
12 November 2012 at 3:37 pm UTC

Yes i've had the problem with id games of trying to find the downloads before, it was annoying so i agree there that was part of their issue.

Now Steam is out there so to speak it will be easier for them anyway and anyone big really, i say big because indies have to kind of beg still with greenlight.

Killing Floor and Red Orchestra on Steam for non-BETA users
12 November 2012 at 11:20 am UTC

Yes it was done piss poorly in my eyes but hopefully they will learn from their mistakes.

Killing Floor and Red Orchestra on Steam for non-BETA users
10 November 2012 at 10:48 pm UTC

Well you buy it and its then in your Steam library.

See above comment.

Killing Floor and Red Orchestra on Steam for non-BETA users
10 November 2012 at 10:41 pm UTC

Quoting: "Spummy, post: 6285"Where does one acquire this binary? It'd be great to finally not have to use WINE for this game.

From steam...

2 new Kickstarts to whet your appetite!
10 November 2012 at 11:21 am UTC

Done, looks much better!

Humble Bundle For Android 4!
12 November 2012 at 9:42 pm UTC

Well I just had a nice conversation with "Wes" from humble support asking about game updates, the usual support robot who didn't read my email and simply said:
QuoteHi Liam,
We have a newsletter which we send out when new bundles are available- you can subscribe at the top of[URL=''][COLOR=#1155cc][/URL] where it says “Get notified of upcoming Humble Bundles!”
Hope this helps,[/COLOR]
Support Ninja
Humble Bundle

Not answering my actual email about game updates at all...i got a little annoyed after that heh but now he is going to suggested they update via their blog as well as per my suggestion since they already have the blog in place it requires no effort.

Humble Bundle For Android 4!
12 November 2012 at 6:49 pm UTC

Yes they need a much better system.

I have emailed them about it asking if they have anything in the pipeline and suggestion to put them onto their blog and main website to start with.

Humble Bundle For Android 4!
12 November 2012 at 3:34 pm UTC

There is a new Waking Mars build out (and others):

Will be trying it again once i've built my new PC either tomorrow or the day after :)

Humble Bundle For Android 4!
8 November 2012 at 7:56 pm UTC

It's just me I never really did like puzzle games like that where as sci fi stuff like Waking Mars is right up my street.