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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Interstellar Marines gets Steam greenlight!
16 October 2012 at 2:28 pm UTC

I agree and would never personally promote what i see as crapware here although that's hard to do when a game isn't released. Thankfully this game looks very interesting.

M.O.R.E. - old school turn-based 4X space strategy game.
15 October 2012 at 8:43 pm UTC

The more space sims the happier I will be. Rather big sci fi space fan here.

Relics of Annorath Networking Alpha Launch
14 October 2012 at 7:35 pm UTC

I cleaned up a few spelling errors for you since i moved it to the front page :), thanks for posting.

Divine Space
19 October 2012 at 2:57 pm UTC

You should try getting one of the guys from Mojang to tweet about it, works for a lot of other games :), they love their space games.

Divine Space
17 October 2012 at 11:13 am UTC

What will happen if you do not hit the Kickstarter goal?

Divine Space
14 October 2012 at 11:27 am UTC

Click and go is the same as eve online's system it seems.

Divine Space
13 October 2012 at 3:24 pm UTC

Certainly one to keep an eye on!

Steam's Linux list is growing
14 October 2012 at 10:44 am UTC

Yeah I do my work on Linux, won't last long once Steam comes!

Steam's Linux list is growing
12 October 2012 at 9:10 pm UTC

Quoting: "Hamish, post: 5744, member: 6"Looking at it's description page, what distinguishes it from another prominent zombie co-op based Steam offering may I ask?

They are quite different games.

Left 4 Dead is a story based shooter, everything is hand fed to you, you play to get from A to B basically.

Killing Floor is round based survival where you get money, buy your weapons, you also have specific character classes you can level up. Each maps mission is just to survive every round.

Steam's Linux list is growing
12 October 2012 at 6:44 pm UTC

Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 5736, member: 93"lots on that list are HiB games, so makes nothing more then sense, I would say 90% of all HiB games come with a Steam Key, they all on my windows steam list so I assume they pop up on the linux steam list as well.

why desurium ? I have yet to find a issue with the default desura client, except maybe playing of flash/movies but I see that more as a linux issue then pure desura

Desura is rather outdated and full of bugs, Desurium has A LOT of fixes since the official release.

Quoting: "Anon, post: 5741"Hm, I was thinking about buying Killling Floor, but I kind of didn't want to spend on anything non-native. Good to see that.

Killing Floor to me personally is a great game, especially since it's one game that used to tie me to Windows.