Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Stop That Hero an rts game with a difference
29 September 2012 at 12:39 pm UTC

Animations will help a lot but yes my personal opinion is that it needs slightly better artwork. I wouldn't say it was neglect like other people would as I myself can't even draw a decent stickman!

Also like i do for Troy i can give you access to be able to post your own news here if interested send me a PM.

Stop That Hero an rts game with a difference
27 September 2012 at 11:54 am UTC

There's a difference between blocky 3d graphics meant to be like that to what this game has.

I will keep watching and hoping for a graphical overhaul as for me unfortunately graphics are an issue.

Linux overtakes Mac on Humble Indie Bundle 6!
25 September 2012 at 5:03 pm UTC

Agreed, but the fact that they are supporting it with fixes is good at least it's not a port and be done with it type thing like I've seen from other places.

Linux overtakes Mac on Humble Indie Bundle 6!
25 September 2012 at 12:44 pm UTC

Im guessing tomorrow then.

Linux overtakes Mac on Humble Indie Bundle 6!
25 September 2012 at 12:07 pm UTC

Quoting: "Cheeseness, post: 5547, member: 122"I'm going to posit that when Vessel makes an appearance, we'll likely see a further jump in Linux/MacOS numbers.

It'll also be interesting to see what impact the upcoming bonus titles will have as well.

I have been wandering how long it will be before we see some bonus titles...

NEO Scavenger turn based post apocalyptic survival
24 September 2012 at 8:03 pm UTC

I only briefly tried the very beginning it shows promise, seems like it could be a lot of text adventure style stuff, like choose an action, this happens etc.

Cardinal Quest 2 fast paced action rougelike
23 September 2012 at 10:29 am UTC

Yeah I imagine for a lot of users it will just out right put them off.

Project Eternity - Linux from the start!
21 September 2012 at 6:39 pm UTC

Indeed any game going for Unity should hopefuly support us :)

Left 4 Dead 2 Getting Workshop and Linux Support in Mid October?
21 September 2012 at 7:35 am UTC

Quoting: "Cheeseness, post: 5507, member: 122"Ah, fruit. Looks like a typo slipped into the title. Not sure if/how I can fix that.

You can do it by pressing Edit to the right of the link to it on the topic list on the actual forum page.

Also under Thread Options on the post itself - only just realised this one myself.

On topic - So Steam very soon then making Valve Time allowances.

Humble Indie Bundle 6!
21 September 2012 at 7:41 am UTC

Will be trying more Torchlight tonight now my crashbug should be fixed...just got to fix my Linux install yet again...that's the trouble running pre-releases...lots of breakage!