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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Steam Greenlight Has Some Linux Options
12 September 2012 at 2:17 pm UTC

Woohoo not a bad line up either, get those votes in to help them guys!

Ensign 1 gets a new direction!
13 September 2012 at 4:09 pm UTC

Well maybe i got the wrong end of the stick by this in your text "the current direction of a mission based story just isn't cutting it", that to me meant for you it isn't doing well.

Slender will have a Linux version
12 September 2012 at 2:29 pm UTC

It doesn't matter too much since it's coming and that's what matters ;)

Steam Linux Beta Is Getting Closer!
10 September 2012 at 2:55 pm UTC

Well I am getting more and more excited for this seriously cannot wait!

This coupled with the fact that by the end of next year we may even have decent optimus support on Linux + latest kernel 3.5+ actually makes Linux not crash on my laptop = good times.

Faster Than Light coming September 14th!
8 September 2012 at 1:09 pm UTC

It's worth the wait, can't put it down myself!

Baldurs Gate revamp may get Linux version
2 September 2012 at 7:53 pm UTC

Same for me but will be worth it, great game.

Community Driven Monster Catching Strategy RPG
30 August 2012 at 5:18 pm UTC

What will you do if you don't hit the target?

Desert Stormfront
29 August 2012 at 2:05 pm UTC

Anyone know if there is much difference in the two besides setting?

Planetary Annihilation RTS on Kickstarter
30 August 2012 at 10:42 am UTC

Oh yeah I know that just funds are rather low :(

Planetary Annihilation RTS on Kickstarter
29 August 2012 at 10:31 am UTC

Looking forward to this love RTS games. Loved TA and SupCom would pledge if i had the money for it!