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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Zombie Tux Spotted in L4D2 Update Announcement
25 July 2012 at 8:28 pm UTC

Quoting: "Qantourisc, post: 5058, member: 181"Btw, where DID you get that image ? :)

It's noted in the post + if you read the linked site it's there.

Guys news sites often use images from linked articles its fair use (also free advertising for the games in question any developer who complains would be a complete moron to do so), if we ever get asked (its never happened) to remove an image by the owners and no one else we will until then no need to talk about it lets not derail threads with chat nothing to do with the news item please, create a new topic if you want to debate fair use, linked images etc. Feel free to link images in news posts, since i own the site i will deal with issue that arise.

I don't mean to rant but let's try to keep on topic ;)

Zombie Tux Spotted in L4D2 Update Announcement
25 July 2012 at 9:38 am UTC

Nice to see it on the official website and them state This Year as well. Good work on the news boys keep it rolling! Also while Valve Time could be an issue remember this is a game already in existance and all the content is already there I doubt it will slip into next year at all.

Starting playing it again in the past week, such a good game forgot how good actually.

I really do hope they bring the new counter strike out for Linux though, that would be killer to have such a decent modern day FPS on Linux. Or at least CS:Source! Not interested in Team Fortress 2 myself just can't get into it just another fast paced shooter in my eyes (I still own it though).

I am thinking we won't see another blog post for a while though.

So time to place bets, I say it will be out in October.

Somethings moving over at Linux Game Publishing...
24 July 2012 at 11:54 am UTC

I thought the whole point was you needed to be online to activate but after that you didn't need to do much? I thought it was only the initial activation it required the net for?

They really should remove their DRM completely though it doesn't do such a small company any favours.

First screenshot from Wasteland 2
20 July 2012 at 9:11 pm UTC

That's a good looking Wasteland :D

Tomes of Mephistopheles got new GUI !
20 July 2012 at 9:47 pm UTC

Fixed media not showing up on the portal btw :)

Tomes of Mephistopheles got new GUI !
19 July 2012 at 9:09 am UTC

Glad to see updates coming in, was wandering what was happening as you have been quiet and I have been looking forward to seeing this game polished up ready for me to buy :)

The reason for it not showing up is the crappy portal script we use is supposed to grab the first included media and stick it in a box to the side of each news post which i disabled but it doesn't stop it removing the media - I will look into a fix for it still trying to grab the media.

Serious Sam 3: BFE - running on Linux!
20 July 2012 at 10:19 am UTC

I have emailed them to find out if it will be a steam only release for Linux, awaiting reply.

Valve's Linux Development Blog Goes Live
24 July 2012 at 11:59 am UTC

I think some people tend to read into it all too much. I really am with Hamish and Troy on this one, for games just my personal preference is to not have it installed system wide via a .deb - for all the mentioned reasons.

So any clues or indications as to when the next Linux blog post may be?

Valve's Linux Development Blog Goes Live
20 July 2012 at 10:16 am UTC

Same as the way Desura does it though? It's just my personal preference.

Will be interesting to see then if it will run on my intel HD4000 (the best intel does at the moment their latest generation) since my nvidia chip is inaccessable right now.

Valve's Linux Development Blog Goes Live
19 July 2012 at 9:11 am UTC

I am also in the no .deb camp, i prefer all games to be in my /home