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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Win a full giftable copy of Humble Indie Bundle 4
28 January 2012 at 9:11 pm UTC

Sorry blop as per the post the competition finished at 1PM.

Thanks to all who entered winner will be announced shortly.

Win a full giftable copy of Humble Indie Bundle 4
18 January 2012 at 10:54 pm UTC

Just deleted more posts, come on guys read the competition properly if you are not registered and logged in here you NEED to leave contact details - else how the heck do i give you your winnings?!

Win a full giftable copy of Humble Indie Bundle 4
18 January 2012 at 9:56 pm UTC

Yes one entry per person, gah i need a "todo" list to tick off when i do a competition for rules and such.

Tomes of Mephistopheles gameplay
16 January 2012 at 5:42 pm UTC

What does age have to do with it?

Tomes of Mephistopheles gameplay
16 January 2012 at 4:39 pm UTC

Honestly games that don't have some sort of tutorials do bug me. Trying to play HoN at the moment and the starting tutorial was quite vague to the point that I still am not quite sure i'm doing anything right.

Tomes of Mephistopheles gameplay
15 January 2012 at 5:04 pm UTC

Quoting: "motorsep, post: 3119"I don't understand why people think breaching the walls is a main mechanics of the game :)

Well until they see more it's all they have seen remember of actual gameplay, I can't wait to see the finished game.

Desura adds free adventure games!
13 January 2012 at 8:56 pm UTC

I installed Beneath a Steel Sky from Ubuntu's software centre before as well. But hey the more Desura has the better especially that one it's brill.

Humble Indie...Store?
12 January 2012 at 9:05 am UTC

Quoting: "Cheeseness, post: 3095, member: 122"You asked if there was a possibility for this to put Desura and Gamolith out of business. If they died, I think that would be ultimately be a negative thing.

Ah didnt know what you where replying to yes that would be very bad, i doubt it will though Desura i think will still be king. Since they have moddb and indiedb they are already a big name.

Humble Indie...Store?
11 January 2012 at 6:35 pm UTC

First of all welcome to GOL Jeff.

Thank you for clarifying what's happening I'm sure Alex will be pleased.

Humble Indie...Store?
11 January 2012 at 1:34 pm UTC

What makes you think it won't be healthy for Linux Gaming? I still prefer [URL='']Desura[/URL] and [URL='']Gameolith[/URL] since I don't have a separate email for every game I have, i have a single login that displays all.