Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Native Client - Gaming in Chrome
19 December 2011 at 4:11 pm UTC

From what I read no not really, they it's all sandboxed - as in it shouldn't be able to break out of itself at all.

Caster now on Desura!
18 December 2011 at 7:28 pm UTC

Hah don't worry i'm not nearly as bad as he is :P which is why i said i hope it's just a hickup :)

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
20 December 2011 at 7:59 pm UTC

That's some awesome new Cas, good job :)

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
20 December 2011 at 7:41 pm UTC

Cas as the admin here it would be stupid of me not to know about the LWJGL (Which I can never remember the acronym of when googling to download when I setup a new pc!). I understand you also helped out Project Zomboid so I'm thankful for that too (even if they had a wee bit of a misshap).

Guys the main point is that they (Cas and others) still support Linux gaming, just not one particular service - Desura (Note that affects Windows users too since Desura isn't just for Linux! We aren't being singled out).

This won't affect me buying your games nor will it affect me covering your games, if I like it, I will buy it, simples.

One last word though guys, please do keep it cool and keep swearing to a min.

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
20 December 2011 at 9:58 am UTC

Keep it chilled guys no need for any kind of swearing.

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
19 December 2011 at 11:12 am UTC

I agree with you Darksoul for me services like Desura and Gameolith serve as a decent library backup so I don't have to waste cd/dvd's.

I beleive the Desura issue with DoD has now been sorted as well :)

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
17 December 2011 at 9:17 pm UTC

Yeah Steam has a bit of a monopoly in terms of user base right now.

The open sourcing of the client should move things along but we need lodle the main dev to come back off holiday and get it rolling properly.

Gameolith needs to add more titles too really.

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
17 December 2011 at 9:10 pm UTC

The main thing is bug reports and such are filling up and their only client developer is on holiday for ~1 month :/ which is a huge pain, I don't personally have too many problems I am happy having it than not :D

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
17 December 2011 at 5:35 pm UTC

Quoting: "Brandon Smith, post: 2882, member: 56"I might have a complaint about Gameolith :) But that's interesting to know about Desura, we might want to look somewhere else then. Thanks for sharing this info.

Okay so they can be a little slow at times :P

Humble Indie Bundle 4
13 December 2011 at 9:47 pm UTC

I've played the tutorial mission on GSB and I must say it's pretty cool. It's like starfarer only you don't control the ships yourself.