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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
SuperTuxKart 0.7 release candidate 1
6 December 2010 at 5:52 pm UTC

As posted on reddit (really again no need to comment twice).

The jist of my comment - I won't credit UG for 2 lines of code to add a ppa, anyone on Ubuntu generally knows how to do that.

Anyway i removed it as we are a general site not just Ubuntu related, i shouldn't have listed the ppa in the first place.

Also I forgot to link to your site as a source for the video, added it below the video for you :)

GOL Featured on!
11 March 2011 at 10:52 am UTC

Thanks again and welcome to the forum as well :D

We have been featured on...
4 December 2010 at 11:45 pm UTC

Have now been featured in a magazine!

Latest issue page 32 i think it is :D

We have been featured on...
3 November 2010 at 10:55 pm UTC

[B][/B]Another article here:
[URL=''] ... -miesiacu/[/URL]

They linked to us :)

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
12 October 2010 at 9:26 pm UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

They will hopefully be back up tomorrow so i shall email them, don't worry have not forgotten!

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
10 October 2010 at 10:46 am UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

Well tweakedenigma wins and as soon as LGP is back up i will get in contact to get them to send you your prize, can you PM me your email, thanks.

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
19 September 2010 at 11:39 am UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

It's no biggy - Just if i do it for one person then to be fair anyone should be able to, bear it in mind for the next one... ;)

Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!
18 September 2010 at 7:02 pm UTC

Re: Competition entries - Win Shadowground from LGP!

Sorry but no changes, should have looked ;) - only way to be fair.

HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !
14 September 2010 at 6:42 pm UTC

Re: HoN Trial Keys Giveaway !

Well hopefully we will get some interest, looking forward to it.