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Latest Comments by Eike
Steam's Second Linux Birthday Is Today
6 November 2014 at 11:00 am UTC Likes: 4

I don't know where I read about it, but I quickly applied.
I was taken in in a later push of many people.
They had 34 games for Linux back then.
Dumping Windows was a ten year old dream of mine at that time.

Now they've got 766 games for Linux.
I deleted my Windows installation in April.
A dream has become true.

Happy birthday.

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
5 November 2014 at 11:23 am UTC

Quoting: ImantsHow can case insensitivity create bugs. I am programmer for about 8 years and only case sensitivity was causing bugs for me. Not only in file name but in string compression and in dynamics case sensitive languages like python where you accidentally name one variable in different case and all your program sops working. So I am now just curious how case insensitivity could create bugs?

Neither case sensitivity nor insensitivity should create bugs on their own.
People not caring for rules of their system(s) create bugs.

I like the variable example: IMHO, the programmer has made a mistake, and the systems shows him that he did. He created a bug by not adhering to his system's rules. It is very easy to avoid and very easy to fix.

Of course, the file case sensitivity is a bit more complicated: People do adhere to their system's (Windows' ) rules, make the casing up out of thin air for whatever reason, and such create bugs when the stuff is ported to other systems. A thing that comes very natural - writing a string the same in two places (code and file system) - is not done, creating bugs. Non-portable code is less good code. Writing the same file name twice in different casings(*) is sub-optimal.

(*) Is "casing" the correct word?

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
4 November 2014 at 9:51 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Eike
So you’re advocating making things more difficult "just because". "People should do this", "Programmers should do that"… Yeah right. And then there’s reality.


Calculating file names such that the casing can be done wrong is - obviously - more difficult than just comparing two strings. I don't know if you're programmer, but comparing strings straight is the most natural thing to do.

And I'm yet to read about the problems an end user would have with a file system (opposed to file open dialogs) that work this quite natural way.

Sorry, neither "Yeah right" nor "And then there’s reality" seem like arguments to me, while I have given some of them.

BTW, would you please cite where I've told people (not programmers) what they should do? Unfortunately, I cannot remember having written such things... I do remember having written about what end-users really need and what they don't need. Unfortunately, you didn't answer any of that...

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
4 November 2014 at 9:14 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: HeimdallSeriously, some Linux "features" make it stupidly difficult to work with. It seems to be on purpose, much like the Gnome developers who "know" better than everyone else.

NO normal user needs case sensitivity in their filesystem, and in most situations, it is a hindrance for adoption and porting on Linux due to the additional headaches introduced by it. For example, anyone who runs programs from WINE could see how annoying this can be.

It should be optional, like in HFS filesystems.

Seriously: The problem stems from a real unnecessary "feature" of Windows that people unfortunately got used to.

The end user probably does not care at all for the case sensitivity of files. As long as he can load what he saved, which is up to the file open dialogs (those should select files case insensitive, at least as long as there's no case sensitive match), he's fine with case sensitivity as he's with case insensitivity.

Programers got obviously used to type file names in code according to the position of the moon, their fingers or whatever, instead of according to what the file is named. Which is quite odd, as every good programmer should be trained to do things not hush-hush, but right.

Yes, this all results in a porting problems - until programmers learnt to do this right as well. But no, this is neither hard to do nor a problem of Linux.

BTW, I'm not one of those who think that Linux is perfect in every aspect. But in file casing, Linux IMHO did a quite reasonable thing, and programmers should do the same. Which is, as already stated, even easier for them: They don't need to typ the file name twice in different casings, they can just copy and paste the name from one place to the other, which will automaticyll result in matching casing. It's that easy.

Win A Copy Of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
4 November 2014 at 8:29 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: n30p1r4t3I love gamingonlinux

I love Aspyr

And yes I realize this is late :)

It's never too late for love. ;o)

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
4 November 2014 at 8:28 pm UTC

Quoting: ImantsAs such case sensitivity becomes annoying feature of Linux which mostly is hated because it does not have any useful meaning as just be annoying and create bugs.

I would say, case insensitivity more and more becomes an annoying feature of Windows which mostly is hated because it does not have any useful meaning as just be annoying and create bugs.

Microsoft should not have done that. While it is very useful in file dialog boxes not to be forced to type the correct casing, on file system level I don't consider this a useful feature, and if Microsoft wouldn't have done it the way they did, it would feel just natural for everyone to use the matching names instead of some nearly matching ones.

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
4 November 2014 at 3:40 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestYou’re missing the point. Case-insensivity does not mean you can’t include both upper and lower case letters in your file names.

I'd consider neither case sensitive file names nor case insensitive file names an important feature. People probably don't want to use file names only differing by case. On the other hand, I don't understand why OS/file system writers should be burdened by comparing file insensitive nor why people would _want_ to call a file by another casing that it really has got intentionally (I do understand the accidential case better now, though).

Using and comparing the same ASCII/UTF/whatever numbers should IMHO be the most natural way for every programmer (whatever system he prefers).

More Updates From Aspyr Media On Linux & Mac Progress For Civilization Beyond Earth
4 November 2014 at 1:11 pm UTC

Quoting: ImantsWhen I started programing on Linux I hated case sensitivity and I still hate it :). This was one of the many windows features I liked.

I have a question and maybe you can answer it...
Why would anybody, if the OS forces him or not, would use different casing on disc and in code in the first place? I a) automatically use a pattern, like camel casing, pascal casing, all small, all large or whatever, and b) am probably to lazy most times to type it twice, so I'd copy and paste the file name. Both ways should ensure consistent casing quite naturally...

GOL Survey Results: October
3 November 2014 at 2:58 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestWhat is xorg-edgers?

Seemingly this is for Ubuntu graphics drivers what "experimental" is for Debian
- the use-at-your-own-risk stuff:

The Dark Descent of Frictional Games: Part Two
2 November 2014 at 8:30 pm UTC

Dark Descent was the only game that gave me literal shivers from top to bottom.
I played Justine and Machine for Pigs as well, but didn't care for the predecessors. Finding that you like them even more made me buy them yesterday.
All Penumbra parts bundled are available for less than 2 Euros at the moment.
But... being such a coward when it comes to spoilers, I did not yet read your articles! I'll be waiting for a dark, lone evening when I can sink into Penumbra, and then, when I'm back from it, I'll go read your articles.