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Latest Comments by Nezchan
A Roundup Of The Last Weeks Linux Gaming
28 May 2014 at 11:44 pm UTC

Bah, I tried to check out Blue Saga after all, but I can't get it to run on Desura.

Valve Has Yet Again Greenlit 35 More Linux Games For Steam
28 May 2014 at 8:54 pm UTC

So lessee, what excites me in this list?

Well, Otherworld looks like it has potential, but still needs a lot of work.

Black the Fall is...Limbo with guns? There seem to be a few games taking on the Limbo aesthetic these days.

Heileen is notable since it includes the lesbian DLC. Wonder if Steam will make them censor it the way they did with Loren the Amazon Princess.

POP...really surprises me that it got Greenlit. It seems kinda out of place on the Steam platform.

Similarly, Suicide Guy. I mean seriously?

To be honest, the most intriguing to me at the moment is Worlds. There are a few that might look better with more polish, better graphics, etc., but that and maybe Heileen and POP are the only ones I'd really be in a hurry to get for my system. Much lower number than usual, for sure.

Dota2's tournament prize fund has hit nearly 7 million dollars
27 May 2014 at 1:53 am UTC

Quoting: AnonymousIt's not quite the same as a LAN party when the people in question practice insane hours per day for years to get there. :P

I love watching pro Starcraft, but have had a really hard time getting anything out of watching MOBAs for whatever reason... I'll probably check TI4 out a little bit though, it's just big enough to generate interest even in people not interested in the game.

I'm the same, I enjoy SC2 replays (go Husky!) but when I try watching a DOTA 2 match commentated in the same way I'm lost. But I have found that watching Heroes of the Storm vids that I like watching when it's a player 'casting their own play as an individual player rather than a sports-type commentary treating it as a team since I don't know the game well enough to know who everyone is, what their abilities are, etc. That's especially true of DOTA 2, where there are so many different characters.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
24 May 2014 at 7:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

To be honest, the biggest complaint I have with the game is the incomprehensible naming of the spells. "Igni" I kinda get, but outside the tutorial there's nothing that actually tells you what each of them does. It's very confusing.

As to performance, works fine for me on a 4-year old system with an nVidia GTX750ti in it running on high graphics setting.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
24 May 2014 at 4:19 pm UTC

Works fine for me, running in high settings (haven't tried ultra and don't really care) on a four-year-old system using a current mid-range graphics card. Had one crash that wasn't repeated when I replayed the same area, that's it.

I don't give a damn if it's a native port or a wrapper or whatever, so long as it works and as far as I can see it works. So I'm perfectly happy with it. To be honest, I've had a lot more problems getting stuff like Secrets of Raetikon or even Kentucky Route Zero to run well under Linux than this game.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
23 May 2014 at 6:07 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweI also found that out by going to order, seeing the cost at $13 just for shipping to me :(

They are new though, I hope they can sort minor issues out.

It's true of most boxes though, so I doubt there's much they can do about the price. Although I do appreciate that they're adding that info up-front since about 3/4 of the boxes I've seen don't do that.

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
23 May 2014 at 12:56 pm UTC

Quoting: rustybroomhandle
Quoting: philip550cIve heard about this problem from all the way back in the doom days but I still dont understand how fov helps with motion sickness?
This video explains it in some detail:

That's very good, probably the most complete explanation I've seen. I like how he mentiones Half-Life 2, since that's where I first noticed it. I used to play on a 17-inch CRT back in the day and loved it, but I found it physically impossible on a 25-inch LCD. In fact, I have the same problem with the Black Mesa mod, and generally have to research any FPS that interests me because there's a serious chance I'll end up bying something I cannot play.

In any case, Metro LL definitely has this issue as do a lot of recent games like Jazzpunk or Delver.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
23 May 2014 at 12:23 pm UTC

One problem I see is the site doesn't give shipping rates, which I find that outside of the US (even in Canada, let alone Europe and elsewhere) can easily double the price of a box. Not having that information up front means I don't have an accurate price available to me unless I go through most of the subscription process first.

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
22 May 2014 at 11:00 pm UTC Likes: 1

Hopefully they finally add a FOV slider. I tried watching the first part of a playthrough of it and was nauseous for two hours afterwards. The Steam forum is full of people complaining of motion sickness from it.

Left 4 Dead 3 & Half-Life 3 Are Real According To The Creator Of Counter Strike
22 May 2014 at 5:40 pm UTC

Well, not so much that HL3 is real so much as a couple of pieces of concept art that are probably for HL3 are real. That's about as solid as London fog.