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Latest Comments by Nezchan
The Last Tinker: City Of Colours Releases Tomorrow For Linux, Video & Review
11 May 2014 at 2:39 pm UTC

I see what you mean by sluggish, the character seems to move really slowly, even during jumps. Might take a bit to get used to.

Earth: Year 2066 Removed From Steam, Valve Offering Refunds
7 May 2014 at 8:22 pm UTC

Quoting: toorBest game ever!

sponsorised by Muxwell

When's the GotY edition coming out?

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
7 May 2014 at 8:14 pm UTC

I bought it last year and enjoyed it immensely, certainly sinking enough time into it to justify the price tag (can't recall if it was on sale or not). It is a pity we won't be seeing any more development though. I was looking forward to what the next version might bring.

Earth: Year 2066 Removed From Steam, Valve Offering Refunds
6 May 2014 at 1:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Good on Valve for stepping up on this one. Though I'm a bit amazed the "game" made it as far as it did.

Hammerwatch Dungeon Crawler Updated With New Class
4 May 2014 at 2:27 pm UTC

I give them bonus points for never using the word "retro" on their Steam page.

Looks kinda like a bullet hell sort of game in the preview. Not sure yet if that makes me more or less likely to get it.