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Latest Comments by tuubi
Interview With Artifex Mundi, Publisher Of Casual Adventure Games, We Have Keys For You
21 March 2015 at 9:31 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestThey hate us.
Perhaps just a tad overdramatic?

They might not think Linux is their most important platform, but that hardly translates to hate. Just chill and play a game or something. I'm quite sure that as soon as Linux grabs a bigger share of the market, businesses will be more than happy to flaunt their support. It's not about love and hate to those who are in it to make money, i.e. all of them.

LEGO Minifigures Online Looks Possible For Linux
17 March 2015 at 12:58 pm UTC Likes: 1

Too bad it's not one of the good Lego titles by TT Games. I'd rather play even one of their early Lego Indy / SW romps than an online time-waster like this. Not my cup of tea.

Larian Studios Detail Why The Linux Port Of Divinity Is Taking So Damn Long
16 March 2015 at 11:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: edqeProblems like this happens and then all you can do is wait. Raging doesn't make problems magically disappear.
Did you see someone raging here? Hardly the word I'd use. Lots of disappointed customers though. But you're right, there's nothing we can do but wait.

Crowd sourcing "investors" do not get the same rights as you'd get as a customer paying for a finished product after all. No guarantees for product quality or timely delivery. What a great way to finance your product. All you need is some hype and pretty promises, and in flows the cash. No wonder big business has eagerly embraced the model.

Anyway, Larian (and others) obviously failed to do the basic groundwork before making promises. That's just lazy and disrespectful.

Larian Studios Detail Why The Linux Port Of Divinity Is Taking So Damn Long
16 March 2015 at 7:56 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: Glog78We can be happy every single game that arrives for Linux - even if they come late.
Well that's a defeatist attitude if I ever saw one. No matter how small a market we are, there's no reason to turn the other cheek when companies take our money and fail to deliver in a reasonable time frame. Linux is slowly catching up, not losing; we shouldn't act like losers.

Unreasonable delays like this are not acceptable, and Larian should be made well aware of this. These portability snags are problems they could have and should have foreseen. I'm sure the game is great, but there's no need to pander to a company who obviously does not think much of you.

The Entroware 'Proteus' Gaming Laptop, Reviewed For Linux
12 March 2015 at 9:29 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestYep, it’s called “IPS glow”. I’ve read about it in monitor reviews; I just didn’t know it was so terrible. And I’ve seen the exact same effect on a friend’s IPS monitor, which is why I said it wasn’t a flaw (defect) of that particular monitor. Also there was much less detail in dark images than on my TN monitor.
Can't say I've ever noticed the so called IPS glow on my HP ZR24w, and I've been staring at it daily for years now. Had to google what that even means. I've also had better luck with "backlight bleeding" compared to our TNs. Obviously there are bad IPS monitors around, and reasonably good TNs as well, but for any kind of serious graphics work IPS beats TN hands down due to its superior colour reproduction and viewing angles.

Wacom uses IPS in their pen displays as well, and I must say our Cintiq 22 HD looks lovely. No hint of glow or any other backlight problems there either. Personally I'd never use a TN monitor for something like photo editing, but I guess for gaming they're pretty much fine.

Linux Now Has Over 1000 Titles On Steam
12 March 2015 at 4:47 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: oldrocker99Have you tried Darktable?

Seconded. I <3 Darktable.

Shadow Of Mordor Wins GDC Game Of The Year, Linux Version Due This Spring
11 March 2015 at 9:54 am UTC

Quoting: MaelraneI still don't think they'll use OGL 4, or has Mac support for it now? (I'm not an mac expert)
A quick googling reveals OS X has supported OpenGL 4.1 core profile since 10.9 Mavericks, released in 2013.

Outland, A Fast-paced, Dynamic Platformer Now Available On Linux
10 March 2015 at 11:04 am UTC Likes: 1

The game was made by a small, Finnish indie game studio called Housemarque, but indeed it seems to be published by Ubisoft. Still, no Uplay here.

PS: How about a sequel for Alien Incident or even a relaunch, Housemarque? Didn't you notice adventure games are back? Please indulge my nostalgia. :P

Nvidia PhysX Source Code Now Available Free On GitHub
8 March 2015 at 1:56 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: MaelraneThen enlighten me! What other reasons are there for *solely* using Linux and not having a dual-boot system?
That question answers itself. Why would you dual-boot if you don't need or want another, inferior (in my subjective opinion) OS on your system. Linux simply works better than the competition for many people. But this is getting way off topic. Par for the course for me I guess...

Nvidia PhysX Source Code Now Available Free On GitHub
8 March 2015 at 1:17 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: MaelraneWell, I get it. Some people just switch to Linux for the bucks, not for its openness.
You don't get it at all if you think money and idealism are the only valid reasons one could have for using Linux.