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Point-And-Click Adventure 'Moebius' Looks Close To A Linux Release
5 February 2015 at 11:40 am UTC

Quoting: flesk
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: fleskThe problems with character lines noted by the developer are very noticeable, as transitions between lines are sometimes very abrupt. It's not a huge issue, but it sounds a bit out of place and it means you'll get less time to digest what is being said before being thrown into the next line of dialogue.
I don't think this only happens on Linux. A friend complained of the exact same problem and I know he's running Windows 7. Not that I'm complaining if they fix it before releasing the Linux version.
Interesting. I've passed that on to their QA lead in case they weren't aware of it.
Thanks. The friend I mentioned said he already reported the bug (and others), but I have no idea where and how. His "bug reports" might very well have amounted to little more than a note on a forum somewhere.

Point-And-Click Adventure 'Moebius' Looks Close To A Linux Release
4 February 2015 at 9:50 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: fleskThe problems with character lines noted by the developer are very noticeable, as transitions between lines are sometimes very abrupt. It's not a huge issue, but it sounds a bit out of place and it means you'll get less time to digest what is being said before being thrown into the next line of dialogue.
I don't think this only happens on Linux. A friend complained of the exact same problem and I know he's running Windows 7. Not that I'm complaining if they fix it before releasing the Linux version.

Aspyr's Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remaster Is Real And It's Out, We Have Keys For You [Key hunt is over]
30 January 2015 at 10:28 am UTC

Sorry, going OT, as if my earlier incoherent rambling wasnt enough...

Quoting: edoThe latest Evil Dead scares me, maybe because I never usually go to the cine to watch thriller movies.

Another unnecessary remake that manages to completely miss the point. The original is a classic due to its campy charm, and obviously because of Bruce Campbell's chin, definitely not because it's particularly scary. Obviously the original was supposed to be the scariest movie ever, foiled mainly by the shoestring budget and inexperience. The humour's unintentional, unlike in the sequels.

Sorry if you weren't referring to the 2013 movie. All these remakes just make me blow a gasket for some reason.

Aspyr's Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remaster Is Real And It's Out, We Have Keys For You [Key hunt is over]
29 January 2015 at 12:58 pm UTC

There are too many good thrillers for me to choose from, so I'll just pick some non-obvious choice at random. As a teen I was heavily into sci-fi novels, and one book that made a lasting impression in the late nineties was Peter F. Hamilton's Reality Dysfunction. I have no idea if I'd still find it as good and/or thrilling. Maybe it was just the sheer size of the epic: ~1000 pages and it seems it's just the first part of a trilogy. (Note to self: Read again at some point.) But yeah, it's a story, and quite thrilling iirc. I did read and like Crichton's Jurassic Park as well, so there's another. It's got several thrilling, if not very scary moments.

Now that I think about it, I very rarely read, watch or play anything labeled horror, and when I do, it's always for something besides the scary stuff. Must be something wrong with me I guess. Being frightened just doesn't... entertain me, and being entertained is obviously the reason one would consume any kind of entertainment.

Games and movies that rely on gore effects and/or jump scares seem especially "cheap" and unimaginative. Childish almost. But then again, I know and love several people who do enjoy them, which leads me to believe I'm just not the target audience. I do love me a nice parody of the splatter genre though. Hot Fuzz springs to mind as an example.

So, back to scary games. Haven't played anything horror themed lately, so let's go for the oldies again. Yahtzee's Chzo mythos, the pixely horror adventure game series was pretty good, I guess. Free and recently with Linux binaries thanks to Hamish.

The Witcher 2 Has A New Beta For Linux, The Improvements Are Staggering
28 January 2015 at 3:57 pm UTC

Quoting: ricki42Just did a quick try of the new beta, and it was almost unplayable (on i7-4790k at 4.6 GHz and GTX770 4GB). The framerate was good, the stuttering is just really bad.
Try enabling gl threaded optimizations as discussed previously in this thread. Seems to solve the problem for me.

Quoting: liamdaweI hope you reported the stuttering on their github, otherwise they can't fix what they don't know about.
I will, as soon as I find the time for some more testing. Then again, maybe someone like ricki42 will beat me to it, as I don't seem to be the only one affected.

The Witcher 2 Has A New Beta For Linux, The Improvements Are Staggering
28 January 2015 at 1:53 pm UTC

For me the new beta made the game stutter like crazy. If "stuttering" is what you call one second total freezes every couple of seconds. But then I enabled gl threaded optimizations and it all went away. I've only done a few quick tests in the camp area at the very beginning of the game, but seems like it's running quite smoothly now on my i7 and gtx 760, with custom settings somewhere around high @ 1080p if it matters.

Quoting: throghI hope this patch will also be available through :)
I'm sure it will be, as long as there's a stable release.

Aspyr Media Have A New Port Due Soon & Might Bring Their Games To GOG
17 January 2015 at 4:34 pm UTC

Quoting: lucifertdarkI might be alone in this but I really enjoyed the original Fable.

If you mean the original 1996 adventure game, no you're not alone. It wasn't the best adventure game around, but had some fresh ideas, iirc.

(Yeah, I know you mean the other one.)

Western Digital Green HDD, How To Stop Them Dying On You
13 January 2015 at 10:46 pm UTC

Quoting: PublicNuisanceAnyone using these as a main drive are doing it wrong anyway. They are meant as storage drives not as program or OS drives.

I guess no one told Dell. My wife uses a Dell business laptop that came with the WD Black I mentioned in my earlier comment. Idle3 timer set at 8 seconds and a version of Ubuntu preinstalled. So there's bound to be plenty of people and businesses using WD's various "energy efficient" disks as main drives. But I guess WD is happy as long as the hardware outlasts it's warranty...

Drift Stage, A Modern Take On The Classic Arcade Racer, On Kickstarter And Has A Linux Demo
13 January 2015 at 12:30 pm UTC

I like racing games, but the color scheme in this one gives me a headache... :/ The racing games I played back in the day on my Amiga didn't look like that, did they? Well, admittedly Outrun did have bright colours all over the place, but games like Jaguar XJ220 (ahh, the nostalgia), Test Drive and Road Rash certainly did not. Then again, I have no idea what the racers you'd play at the actual arcade looked like back then.

Western Digital Green HDD, How To Stop Them Dying On You
13 January 2015 at 11:20 am UTC

This does not seem to affect only "green" WD drives. I have a 2.5" WD Scorpio Black (WD2500BEKT), and it had the idle3 timer set to 8 secs as well. But then again, it is a "notebook hard drive". Currently serving as a backup drive in our Linux gaming / entertainment box though, so disabled the timer in the black as well as in the green it's sitting next to.