Latest Comments by Jarmer
KDE Plasma 6 gets a first Alpha release
9 November 2023 at 4:43 pm UTC Likes: 2

Plus there are already features in Plasma that aren't even supported on X at all. Like I use the esc key shortcut to put my monitors immediately to sleep when I leave my desk (I know I'll be gone for a while, no sense to waste electricity letting them put themselves to sleep) - that feature works great on wayland but not at all on x. There will just keep being more and more instances like this over time.

Plus plus x doesn't even support high hertz monitors at all, at least for me. Only using Wayland am I able to have my screen set to its native 144.

I have also had no bugs at all that I can attribute to using Wayland over X. So yeah ... it's time to make the switch.

KDE Plasma 6 gets a first Alpha release
9 November 2023 at 2:08 pm UTC Likes: 3

oh man - that cube effect reminds me of my first time trying linux like 20 years ago hahaha! Things are so cyclical

Cute space-cat survival game MewnBase 1.0 is out now
7 November 2023 at 3:09 pm UTC Likes: 1

This seems like a great game for the Deck, as it's not as intense as most other base builder survivals.

Nexus Mods App is an in-development replacement for Vortex that will support Linux
7 November 2023 at 3:04 pm UTC Likes: 6

this is wonderful news! I also hope that linux support REMAINS throughout their testing and all the way to release. I hope they don't overscope the features, or flashiness, or whatever and decide to drop linux.

The comment by the devs is so true ... "Every step of the modding process is fraught with pitfalls and destructive changes." ... and that's on Windows! Add in a whole other layer of linux wine / proton / etc... issues for us on top of that!

If this is released in good shape on linux, that'll be wonderful for SO MANY older games! I will keep an eye on the project for sure.

Baldur's Gate 3 patch 4 brings AMD FSR 2.2, looking better on Steam Deck
3 November 2023 at 1:54 pm UTC

Indeed this patch has completely broken vulkan for everyone. In addition, when I run it in dx11 mode Shadowheart now refuses to move and just stands still. So .... I pretty much can't play the game if one character in my party will not move .... Seems they didn't do any testing on this patch at all. We will just have to wait on a hotfix. Hopefully they can get it out today before the weekend!

Squadron 42 finally 'feature complete', CIG talk up Vulkan support for Star Citizen
26 October 2023 at 4:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

I really *WANT* this to actually happen at some point, but I don't believe it ever will. They have a financial incentive not to release anything ever. It's really sad, but .... I will be astonished if anything ever releases anywhere close to what's expected or has been announced. MAYBE they'll release some tech demo as the company is going through bankruptcy in another decade, but I wager that'll be about it.

I really hope I'm wrong.

Death of a Wish is an upcoming vicious action-RPG with wild visuals
26 October 2023 at 3:48 am UTC

I love the art style and direction, but agree with you all: can't stand the flashes and constant screen shakes (whats up with that? very weird)

Check out these Steam Deck Verified titles to start your week
23 October 2023 at 6:10 pm UTC

ooooo Spirited Thief looks like a great little game. The genre could definitely use some new ideas, and this looks like exactly that!

Diablo be damned, Last Epoch plans to release 1.0 in February, 2024
23 October 2023 at 2:11 pm UTC

Played a bunch of this earlier this year and absolutely loved it. The end game systems are where it's at, so I tried to rush there. So much fun with the monolith!!

KDE Plasma 6.0 now scheduled for release 28th February 2024
19 October 2023 at 5:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

I'm here using plasma wayland by default as well, so VERY excited for this release to see all the wonderful improvements.