Latest Comments by Jarmer
Harebrained Schemes and Paradox Interactive to split
19 October 2023 at 5:07 pm UTC

I guess I call it scam because you're paying full price for a game that is not complete.

This wasn't additional content developed later on and released because of fan popularity or extending the game etc...

If I pay full price for a brand new car, I expect to show up and be able to drive off. I don't expect that it'll only have 3 wheels and I will be extorted for a 4th wheel for extra money. (maybe the car dealership thing is a bad example here because theyre infamous for all kinds of scummy behavior lol - but you get my point!)

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint from Trese Brothers is now in Early Access
18 October 2023 at 7:53 pm UTC Likes: 4

I *almost* never buy anything in ea, but this dev is the rare exception. Just bought it and downloading now! They are so talented, and very much looking forward to where this goes. Plus: native linux!

Harebrained Schemes and Paradox Interactive to split
18 October 2023 at 2:41 pm UTC

Quoting: Brokatt
Quoting: JarmerThis is so sad. I absolutely loved the Shadowrun games. I hope that somehow, some way, at some time, the veterans behind those games get together and do another in that universe.

Funny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior that prevented me from purchasing Lamplighter. So maybe HBS can pick up and move to a better home!

Why? There's only a digital artbook and soundtrack available as DLC. Not very scammy IMHO.

Sorry, but nope: day 1 dlc included a $8 in-game character. Which of course means it was developed as part of the game pre-release and then they chopped it out and tried charging extra for it on day 1. That's predatory, and a blatant scam.

I was about to hit that purchase button on the game, but then when I saw that, I instantly canceled it. If you check the steam forums, there's thread after thread about this exact topic. They lost a lot of customers over that decision.

I don't mind at all having deluxe editions with artbooks and soundtracks, in fact I encourage it, gets a little extra money for the devs for cool stuff. But none of that impacts the game itself whatsoever.

Harebrained Schemes and Paradox Interactive to split
17 October 2023 at 5:20 pm UTC Likes: 9

This is so sad. I absolutely loved the Shadowrun games. I hope that somehow, some way, at some time, the veterans behind those games get together and do another in that universe.

Funny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior that prevented me from purchasing Lamplighter. So maybe HBS can pick up and move to a better home!

DAVE THE DIVER gets a big free content update
11 October 2023 at 8:31 pm UTC

Quoting: PhiladelphusI've been watching people play this, and can see why it's so popular…but man, I feel like a better title would be "Dave the doormat". The first thing that happens is Dave getting called back early from his vacation, talked into working without pay for a friend, and practically every single person that appears either insults Dave for being rotund, assumes his help without payment (until pressed on the point), and pretty much just walks all over him. I'm highly conflict-averse in real life and generally quite happy to help people (especially rather than make a scene), and even I got to the point where I was like "Stand up for yourself for once, Dave! (Politely) tell Ellie that she can gather her own research data until she apologizes for the first words out of her mouth being to insult a stranger she's never met and then assume he'll just roll over and help her immediately afterward!" There's a difference between being nice and helping people, and having some basic human dignity and self-respect.

I get it, having the game insult the player (indirectly) for wanting to play the game and unlock new stuff can be funny…when it's done in moderation, like once or twice. Watching this game, with each new character introduced I starting asking myself "Ooh, let's see, what exciting new way will they find to insult Dave, get him to do what they want anyway, and get away with it with no consequences whatsoever?" I don't know why this triggers me so much, but it clearly does; I just don't get why practically every NPC in the game has to be an unrepentant jerk towards Dave. It wouldn't be hard to sprinkle in a few lines like "Wow, I guess you're a pretty good diver after all! Sorry for judging you based on appearances when we first met."

I guess it didn't trigger me as bad as it did you, but I totally agree. It was off-putting every single time Dave was insulted about his appearance, or skills, or any of the myriad of other things they insult him for. I agree, every now and then that's fine, but oof, dude's just getting hammered on constantly. I quit playing for other reasons, but maybe if I pick it back up, they can make life a little better for ol Dave?

Diablo 4 is coming to Steam on October 17th
5 October 2023 at 8:58 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: drlambMy biggest gaming regret of this year is purchasing this game (for $70, too!). Played for two weeks after launch and haven't touched it since.

Same here. I got a little more time out of it, probably three weeks, and then they launched that first patch which made my already struggling and completely boring to play sorcerer even more of a struggle and more boring. That's when I finally understood that the devs have zero clue why people play these style of games. They are beyond out of touch. Plus I despised the mmo-lite "features" so that was the end of that game for me, as like you said, a HUGE regret of a purchase.

Secret underwater Bees? The APICO 3.0 update sounds interesting
16 September 2023 at 6:07 pm UTC

This is a wonderful game on the Deck ... I just go relax in the comfy chair and tend my bees!

Titanfall 2 has a player surge with a huge sale, great on Steam Deck & desktop Linux
10 September 2023 at 4:09 pm UTC

As everyone else said, it is a HUGE pain to get the trash ea app running, and I also hate infesting my system (even if it is just the prefix folder) with all that drm garbage, but ... man .... the game itself is just SOOOOOOO GOOD that if you haven't played it yet, and are even a tiny fan of fps', it's so worth it. Amazing game, and even more so at that price.

Star Trek: Infinite from Paradox releases October 12
10 September 2023 at 4:06 pm UTC

Quoting: fabertawe
Quoting: ElectricPrism...I mean. Star Trek has been dead to me for a while now.. especially after the "ActionMan" movies painted Picard as a psychopathic killer instead of a wise diplomat sage....

Star Trek has been action schlock for a while now.

I guess AI/Neural Networks are our only hope or restoring it to its pristine original form about showing moral conundrums and navigating ethically complex situations objectively.

I've finally given up on it after Strange New Worlds had a dancing Klingon boy band - that episode was actually embarrassing. I thought the first series of Discovery was good but it's been going rapidly downhill since. No comparison with the excellent Star Wars stuff that's ongoing.

it's so funny how polarizing that episode is. I absolutely loved every minute of it. Also the crossover episode. Also the rest of the entire season and the rest of the entire show. SNW is my favorite show on right now, by far. And I absolutely loathe the ActionMan movies that were put out with that hack Chris Pine.

Back to this game: Maybe I'll get roasted for this, but I don't really care if they release a native linux port or not, as long as it'll run well on proton (it will), then I'll be very happy to enjoy it :)

Budgie 10.8 desktop released with plenty of new features
30 August 2023 at 5:34 pm UTC

I love a good sidebar, and also love a simple modern interface, so I thought I would like Budgie. But I tried it on a live usb stick a while back and wound up being turned off by the lack of options. Turned out I guess I was more used to all the options in Plasma than I originally thought.

While I love the concept of Budgie, I think I'll continue to stick with Plasma.