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EVERSPACE 2 gets a Steam Deck and Linux release update
15 February 2023 at 2:14 pm UTC

doesn't ue4 work very well on proton? Sometimes I wonder, if that is the case, is it even worth it for them to do a native release? Or is that blasphemy to say? I'm just thinking dev time to upkeep two independent platforms maybe could be better spent on the game itself if it works exactly the same in proton vs native.

Space looter-shooter EVERSPACE 2 set to launch on April 6
7 February 2023 at 3:38 pm UTC

DEFINITELY looking forward to this, this is great news! April will be here before we know it. Should be a great year for space games.

I'm far too excited about Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania
20 January 2023 at 3:38 pm UTC Likes: 9

I loved this game so much when it came out. Unfortunately I just suck SO BAD at it, and the repetitive nature of the rouge-like design killed all interest in it for me very quickly. I really just wish there was a "I suck" mode for difficulty setting that would let me progress to some of the more fun enemies / maps without replaying the same beginning 100 times.

Free 2D space exploration and action sim Naev has a big new Beta
12 December 2022 at 3:37 pm UTC

This looks fascinating! Eagerly awaiting the final release to land so I can grab it.

Starcom: Unknown Space arrives in December, Linux support a 'high priority'
30 November 2022 at 11:07 pm UTC Likes: 1

Loved Nexus, so I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this! (like @scaine though - after ea) Thanks for posting.

Here's the current most-played games on Steam Deck
4 August 2022 at 1:08 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: EikeThe story of No Man's Sky is astounding. I wonder if there ever was a game that dead on arrival that has risen again to such heights. Compliments to the developers and publishers who believed in the game.

While I agree their redemption has been astounding and should be applauded, it also should not be forgotten they didn't just release a game that wasn't ready... they went on TV and blogs and etc and lied over and over again about what the game could do just before release, knowing full well it could not do those things. The also released ad videos of the game with features that did not exist. Even the front page steam ad video had stuff that was not possible to do. So ... yes they redeemed the game, but they were also blatant lairs full of egregious false advertising and that I will never forget.

It's possible to run Doom inside of Doom
13 July 2022 at 3:29 pm UTC Likes: 5

I just love the neverending support and community this game/franchise has! I think if you would have told me in 1990 (or whenever it released) as I was loading the floppy disks onto my 386 that 30+ years later there would be still be a vibrant and interesting community releasing fun content, I would have said you were crazy. Now look where we are! Love it!

Doom Shinobi is my new favourite GZDoom mod
14 February 2022 at 3:36 pm UTC Likes: 2

holy shit that looks amazing. I love that my friends and I have been playing doom for decades and not going to stop anytime soon!

Wadjet Eye Games brings Shardlight over to Linux
9 February 2022 at 4:57 pm UTC

I wanna try one of these adventure games, they look really cool and it's been years since I played a point n click adventure, should be fun! Which one do you think is one of their best to start on? Technobabylon? Maybe Strangeland?

KDE Plasma continues improving to stop you breaking things
6 February 2022 at 4:43 pm UTC

I'm surprised the Steamdeck team chose KDE for the DE, and not something simpler and less resource heavy like XFCE. Being that it's a battery powered device (sometimes) I would think they'd want to squeeze every single compute cycle they could and isn't KDE the heaviest DE out there?