Latest Comments by Jarmer
Pop!_OS Linux gets better game performance and desktop responsiveness
3 February 2022 at 6:51 pm UTC Likes: 1

This is awesome, POP OS is my favorite distro I've ever used. Can't wait for their DE.

The beautiful Linux distro elementary OS 6.1 is out now
22 December 2021 at 2:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: krst
Quoting: TheRiddickIs it trying to be like MacOS? looks like it.

Not sure why this comes up so often but it's nothing like it.

I have not used it, so I cannot comment, but from the screenshots it looks identical to macos. I suppose the same could be said for gnome, and kde looking like a windows variant. So in the end ... I don't think the DE matters as much as people put weight into. Get into something YOU like and works for you, and move past it. You spend the majority of your time on the machine either working or gaming or browsing etc... than messing around in various de windows.

Check out Ashes 2063 and Ashes: Afterglow, fantastic Doom II total conversions
9 December 2021 at 10:44 pm UTC Likes: 2

Man alive I love some good Doom mods, I'll check this out for sure. Thank you!

System76 creating their own desktop environment written in Rust
9 November 2021 at 3:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

I absolutely love Pop!_os (writing this from it right now) so I see this as a good thing, as long as they can give it the proper support it deserves. I'm not sure a small hardware company like that can, but good on them for trying.