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Latest Comments by Jarmer
Canonical bring more Steam Snap improvements, also hiring more Desktop Software Engineers
20 August 2024 at 4:54 pm UTC Likes: 2

Great news that they're hiring, and putting more development work into the linux space.

FINAL FANTASY XVI comes to PC on September 17 - demo available
20 August 2024 at 1:11 pm UTC

It's broken graphically. In the settings it lists my monitors resolution (3440x1440) but in-game it has black bars on the side and only displays at 16:9. Lots of discussion posts on steam about the same thing.

How on earth did that get past testing?

shapez 2 is an absurdly great and accessible factory-building game out now
17 August 2024 at 3:29 pm UTC Likes: 1

normally I'm very much against early access as well, but this definitely doesn't feel like it. At least in the beginning.

shapez 2 is an absurdly great and accessible factory-building game out now
16 August 2024 at 7:24 pm UTC Likes: 3

Downloaded it this morning! I've been very much looking forward to this since the demo released earlier this year. Can't wait to get in some good play time this weekend! This is the exact kind of "factory builder" I want: no timers, no invasions, no citizens dying, etc.

Mesa 24.2.0 released with a new shader cache implementation
16 August 2024 at 7:22 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Cloversheen
Quoting: JarmerThey recently downgraded Mesa from 24.1.4 to 24.1.3 so now my entire system wants to do a downgrade whenever I run the update utility (which on a rolling distro is often!) - does anyone by chance know why this happened? I have been looking but can't find any info anywhere!! Maybe due to instability? Just not sure.

Last time I did a downgrade like this with an important section of my system I had to roll the entire thing back so I'm hesitant.
It's because of dependencies, unfortunately Mesa includes not just the drivers themselves but also the interfaces, so a lot of apps are packages with a link to a specific Mesa in the main repos so they pull in a vendor change to get the version they expect.

One way around it is to configure it to prevent vendor changing away from Packman, but I don't remember how to do that. Then updates from openSUSE just won't be able to be installed and should just remain in the queue until Mesa is updated in the main repos.

Actually I finally just found out the reason. For anyone else with this strangeness: it's a bug in 24.1.4 with relation to video in vlc. So they rolled it back to 24.1.3 and are working on getting 24.1.5 ready for release which should be any week now, so best just to wait. Here's the bugzilla on this exact issue:


And here's the link to all the various mesa version in the repos, for opensuse, it's the same exact version in the official repos as it is in packman.


Godot Engine 4.3 is out now with huge new features and a fancy release page
15 August 2024 at 5:22 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: ToddLIt's always great to see Godot continuing to make huge changes to become a viable alternative over Unity.

Completely agree! I very much look forward to the day when more crpgs use this engine rather than so many of them currently using Unity.

Mesa 24.2.0 released with a new shader cache implementation
15 August 2024 at 1:50 pm UTC

I'm on Opensuse Tumbleweed, so I use the Packman repos for all things media related due to the dumb copyright codec crap that plagues so many distros. They recently downgraded Mesa from 24.1.4 to 24.1.3 so now my entire system wants to do a downgrade whenever I run the update utility (which on a rolling distro is often!) - does anyone by chance know why this happened? I have been looking but can't find any info anywhere!! Maybe due to instability? Just not sure.

Last time I did a downgrade like this with an important section of my system I had to roll the entire thing back so I'm hesitant.

The Beamdog & Owlcat RPG Humble Bundle has some killer games in it
14 August 2024 at 8:13 pm UTC Likes: 1

Just started Rogue Trader, and I'm having an absolute blast. Highly recommended if you don't already have it. I waited a long time so OC could do their normal bug-fixing and I think it was worth it.

Get a better look at S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl in the Developer Deep Dive
14 August 2024 at 2:25 pm UTC Likes: 1

Damn, that's disappointing they're using ue5 for this

Hopefully yes maybe they can make some tweaks to the visual style and make it less "unrealy".

Get a better look at S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl in the Developer Deep Dive
13 August 2024 at 1:37 pm UTC

I too bounced off the earlier game(s), but they always have such a rabid fanbase. I am keeping my eye on this one and will definitely give it a try when it comes out.

For proton support, it should be good. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has a platinum rating on protondb, so that's at least good news.