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Latest Comments by Jarmer
Manjaro Linux gets an Immutable version available for testing
6 August 2024 at 1:25 pm UTC


Manjaro seems to be fading away according to those stats. Over the past two years it's lost a ton, and if that continues, in another two years (or less) it'll be totally gone. I know those stats don't represent every single linux gaming computer out there, but still, it's something to go on. I am a direct contributor to those stats though. I used to use manjaro, but didn't like it and switched from it to opensuse and have been very happy ever since.

BoilingSteam specifically says this about Manjaro:

QuoteThe one thing I’m confident about is the fact that Manjaro is probably going to fall even further. I just don’t see a reason for it to exist, and it has destroyed its own credibility over and over again.

Intel to lay off around 15,000 staff as they try make $10 billion in savings
5 August 2024 at 3:49 pm UTC Likes: 3

today I was listening to my favorite podcast (twit) and they were getting deep into the whole intel thing. It ............. well let's just say .......... it wasn't very good lol. I don't think anyone on the panel had any hope for them at all. They were all comparing intel to kodak. Ouch.

Intel to lay off around 15,000 staff as they try make $10 billion in savings
4 August 2024 at 1:18 pm UTC Likes: 4

It's all just a symptom of a capitalist system that is totally and utterly broken and incentivizing the polar opposite for what a company needs to succeed.

Between your damning comment which I think is spot on, and the damning WSJ articles that just keep coming out, I honestly don't have much faith in intel to do any kind of turnaround of ............. anything at all. They'll just keep doing short term shoot-themselves-in-the-foot moves to pacify the broken wall street incentives, and slowly just crumble away. All titans fall, and Intel sure was a titan at some point, but that point has long passed, and now it appears we may be in the late years of an elderly company unable to adapt to current market trends, or even manage to stand up on it's own.

Sure, Intel may still to this day hold a huge chunk of the present market, but I still don't believe that means anything for long term. Markets are shifting at an insanely rapid pace around the world, and intel is like a sloth covered in molasses who's been darted by a tranquilizer.

Intel to lay off around 15,000 staff as they try make $10 billion in savings
3 August 2024 at 2:08 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: sprocket

CEO Pat Gelsinger made $17 million in 2023 alone. That was a 45% raise from his 2022 salary of $12 million. This asshole took almost a 50% raise (what normal person ever gets anywhere close to that), laughed, turned around, and fired THOUSANDS of people.

If the company you are leading has to cut 15k people because of insane ramblings like "revenue has not grown as expected" then surely he will take a 90% cut next year, right? RIGHT?
I work for Intel.

Believe me, us employees are not going to be quiet about this.

Good!! I hope you survived the 15k, and also hope that you all can get together and make some impactful change.

Glorious retro FPS 'Selaco' is now Steam Deck Verified and plans many huge gameplay upgrades
2 August 2024 at 11:00 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ShmerlIs GOG version coming? Looks like a perfect game for it.

It appears GOG is totally ignoring them? They have submitted multiple times with no response. This and many other threads are full of similar stories about GOG's mismanagement. Really sad. But of course this is the outfit that has a client that officially supports Mac but not Linux. Just total incompetence over there.

They say they'll try to release the 1.0 on gog, but at this point I can't support them so Steam it is for me.

Discussion on steam about this:

Here's the most popular Steam Deck games for July 2024
2 August 2024 at 2:01 pm UTC Likes: 1

I tried doing a playthrough of Dragons Dogma 2, but unfortunately it kept crashing / hard locking my entire system repeatedly, so it was unplayable. Looking online (protondb) there are lots of other reports of this, so I guess the game just needs lots of patches (or just forget about it entirely).

So I have been focusing on Zoria Age of Shattering and having a blast! I think I may be nearing the end, but it's been a super fun game.

Intel to lay off around 15,000 staff as they try make $10 billion in savings
2 August 2024 at 1:56 pm UTC Likes: 30


CEO Pat Gelsinger made $17 million in 2023 alone. That was a 45% raise from his 2022 salary of $12 million. This asshole took almost a 50% raise (what normal person ever gets anywhere close to that), laughed, turned around, and fired THOUSANDS of people.

If the company you are leading has to cut 15k people because of insane ramblings like "revenue has not grown as expected" then surely he will take a 90% cut next year, right? RIGHT?

Glorious retro FPS 'Selaco' is now Steam Deck Verified and plans many huge gameplay upgrades
2 August 2024 at 1:51 pm UTC Likes: 2

man, by the time this game hits release it's going to be one of the best retro fps' ever made. This is amazing for the genre. Push some other devs to do more with their own releases!

Truckful is a gorgeous looking trucking delivery game with something dark lurking
1 August 2024 at 1:23 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: CatKillerFWIW, I much prefer default-Unity fuzzy pastels to default-UE sweaty plastic.

COMPLETELY AGREE. While I am not as good as you are at spotting the default unity / default godot look, I can 100% spot a default UE look in an instant and it's such a turn off. There's about a million action adventurey low effort steam games that have this look and I am kind of glad because I know I can safely close the tab on that game and forget about it forever.

Super cosy slice of life sim The Garden Path is out now
1 August 2024 at 1:04 am UTC Likes: 2

I was looking for a new Deck game, and this seemed perfect. Have had it on my wishlist for ..... a looong time? (who knows how long lol) ... and it plays wonderfully! It's not certified yet, but it has full controller support and text scaling, so it works great!