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Latest Comments by whizse
Double Fine Adventure
12 February 2012 at 8:57 pm UTC

It's interesting and anything they make will be worth playing.

But, comments like that about Linux support make me sceptical. It sounds too much like the usual PR-babble were you never give a straight answer, just keep stringing them along until the last minute...

Indie Royale includes Lume for Linux
11 February 2012 at 7:55 pm UTC

Titans was Java IIRC. Anyway, that's still a pretty low number compared with all the native ports.

Indie Royale includes Lume for Linux
11 February 2012 at 7:14 pm UTC

Quoting: "Eddward, post: 3323, member: 78"Being a flash game doesn't bother me. I assumed the game's already proprietary. I guess I don't care what they write it in as long as I don't have to know it. If I have to tinker with the flash runtime (or jvm or clr or grab a newer version of libstdc++ than my system provides) then I get irked. Open Source software get some extra leeway there that proprietary software doesn't.

I was mostly pointing out that it being a Flash game means that it was just wrapped up with a linux flash runtime, and wasn't ported as such.

This is in contrast to the HiB were they actually convince the developers to do a port, or do it themselves.

Indie Royale includes Lume for Linux
10 February 2012 at 7:15 pm UTC

It's a Flash game, so it's not really a port.

Tomes of Mephistopheles gameplay
15 January 2012 at 9:51 pm UTC

SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY ...ehm, sorry, what I meant to say was is there a way to preorder yet? Like with SS2?

Happy new year, a review of 2011
1 January 2012 at 9:07 pm UTC


LGP were apparently working on something new which would be announced "soon" so who knows... but yes, there are (fortunately) a lot of other more interesting companies and developers these days. As an example: I really hope that Overgrowth gets a Linux port this year. It's just an alpha, but it's already looking good: View video on

Happy new year, a review of 2011
1 January 2012 at 8:26 pm UTC

I wouldn't be surprised if 2012 is make it or break it time for LGP. I also noticed that their feed contains a new years greeting. Nice, if it wasn't for the fact that it's one year old...