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Latest Comments by jesta
Linux version of Kitten Rampage now available on Steam
15 May 2016 at 12:42 am UTC

This Sh*t isn't even worth a post.

America's Army: Proving Grounds Developers Apparently Looking At A Linux Port
9 July 2015 at 11:06 pm UTC Likes: 1

I remember playing the old Americas Army on linux. It was actually quite good game even though it is basicly a recruiting tool.

Spec Ops: The Line Released For Linux, Initial Port Report Included
14 May 2015 at 10:26 pm UTC

I played this game at friends computer when it was windows only. Loved it, so I had to buy it now that it's on linux.

More 'Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel' DLC Announced For Linux
7 December 2014 at 2:05 am UTC

Quoting: tuxisagamerI've been playing with Windows users for a long time. Since when could we not?
well, didn't work for me when I tried yesterday...

GOL Asks: What Have You Been Playing Recently?
13 July 2014 at 10:27 am UTC Likes: 1

The swapper, The cave, Witcher 2 and inter stellar marines now that the mouse bug is mostly fixed. Also planning on playing some deponia once they get release out that actually work.

Deponia: The Complete Journey Released For Linux
9 July 2014 at 7:06 pm UTC

Great that they have linux support for this. Currently there seems to be some kind of problem with the game, so it doesn't even start. So no deponia for me this evening :(

The Interstellar Marines Developers Are Working On Their Linux Version Right Now
3 June 2014 at 6:32 pm UTC

Quote from February:
"Absolutely. We've mentioned this a few times in this thread, we're planning on releasing a Linux version during the first half of this year."

Well...I guess that didn't happen.

AMD's OpenGL Performance Is Nothing Close To Nvidia On This Benchmark
31 May 2014 at 2:28 pm UTC

ATI/AMD drivers have always performed badly. I remember the happy day when they released their first linux driver, but I soon realized that they really didn't care about linux and switched to nvidia. Though they have made some progress. Now days you can actually install the driver and it works with out the community having to patch it first.