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GOG Officially Confirm Their Galaxy Client For Linux, Plus More News
15 October 2014 at 4:21 pm UTC Likes: 1

Thanks for the heads up. Got my free copy of AVP. I already had it on Steam but wanted a DRM free copy of it.

Game Saves Are Messing Up Our Drives!
1 October 2014 at 11:36 am UTC

Quoting: BeamboomThey should just stop local storage of save-files altogether, and put all saves in the Steam cloud - at least make it a global option. it's just hassle to store stuff like that locally.

I'd be fine with that as an option but there are some of us who don't trust the cloud and don't want the cloud any where near our files. I don't want the cloud forced on me and am quite capable of backing up my own files.

Divinity: Original Sin Still Aims For Linux This Year
22 September 2014 at 11:07 am UTC Likes: 1

I thought the Linux version was already out. Glad I hadn't bought it yet. Don't know why I thought that.

Deadhold, A Squad Based Action RTS Game, And It's Coming To Linux
14 September 2014 at 11:38 am UTC

I'm interested in having another squad based RTS on Linux. Not enough info has been released to say whether they have my interest on their game. They're releasing multi first which I don't play so that doesn't help.

Outlast, A First Person Horror Game Looks Like It Will Come To Linux
13 September 2014 at 11:56 am UTC

I own this on GOG so hopefully I can download the Linux version at some point. Awesome game in very way except for the lack of combat. I mean when I see wrenches and such on tables but I can't pick them up to defend myself it bothers me a bit. Luckily the story and atmosphere sucked me in so I didn't mind as much. If anything I respect that the developers vision was to have no combat and they stuck to their guns.

This War Of Mine From 11 Bit Studios To Be On Linux At Launch
4 September 2014 at 2:27 pm UTC

I heard about this game yesterday and am interested in it. I enjoyed the Anomaly games and am happy they are making a Linux version. Hopefully they have a DRM free version as well, Anomaly 2 didn't.

Feral Interactive Wish To Know Why You Game On Linux
4 September 2014 at 2:25 pm UTC

I find myself using Linux more and more because I didn't like the path Windows was taking. It wasn't just the Metro interface or the lack of a Start button without manually putting it back, it was the attitude of Microsoft in response of those. Microsoft has no stake in PC Gaming. Many of those trying to make Linux better do. The fact it's free is icing on the cake but it is hardly my top reason.

I think it's a huge boost to PC Gaming if open source things such as Linux, OpenCL, and OpenGL get more attention. We need developers utilizing tools that benefit all gamers not just the ones using one brand of card or another such as PhysX or DirectX. The indie scene is where a lot of the more interesting games are coming from and they are also the ones providing more support to Linux and other open platforms.

I still have Windows on my computer but that's because I have a backlog of over 400 games and many don't play well with Wine. That number is shrinking every month though and any new game I buy is compatible with Linux or it doesn't get my money.

Gas Guzzlers Extreme Is Still Heading To Linux Despite The Delay
30 August 2014 at 12:15 pm UTC

I enjoyed the demo on Windows so I'm glad it will be coming to Linux. Just wish they would release a DRM free version to go with it.

Developers of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Looking Into Linux
22 August 2014 at 4:02 pm UTC

I've had this game on my radar for a while now. Looks very interesting. If they add Linux support it will certainly climb the rungs of my wishlist quicker. Now I can only hope they plan on a demo as well.

Developer Teases With Darksiders On Linux Screenshot
20 July 2014 at 4:40 am UTC

I am glad to see more games coming to Linux but I found Darksiders to be boring and just a bad game. Dated graphics, poor PC port with limited graphics options and poor mouse/keyboard support. Unless they plan to fix some of the overall issues with the PC version than I can't see myself getting excited for this.