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Latest Comments by PublicNuisance
Developer Teases With Darksiders On Linux Screenshot
20 July 2014 at 4:40 am UTC

I am glad to see more games coming to Linux but I found Darksiders to be boring and just a bad game. Dated graphics, poor PC port with limited graphics options and poor mouse/keyboard support. Unless they plan to fix some of the overall issues with the PC version than I can't see myself getting excited for this.

Vote For GOG To Make Galaxy Open Source
17 July 2014 at 4:39 pm UTC

I can't wait for GOG to go Linux. My 2 top priorities for gaming is DRM free and Linux and at the moment finding both is hard. Humble store is pretty good about doing both but I love to support GOG.

Age Of Wonders III Developers Give Another Hint At Linux Support Soon
9 June 2014 at 12:21 pm UTC

I've been following Age of Wonders 3 for a while now. Linux support just may make me pull the trigger on a sale.

Crytek's CRYENGINE Powered Homefront The Revolution FPS Coming To Linux
9 June 2014 at 12:08 pm UTC

I have my doubts it will look that good upon launch but I'll be happy if they prove me wrong. I thought the original Homefront was a solid game. Nothing spectacular but not bad. Nice to see Crytek hopping on the Linux wagon.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
9 June 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

I believe Steam to be DRM. It may be the most user friendly DRM ever conceived but it is DRM none the less. People say it is no different from GOG because you have to download the game from GOG's site but they fail to realize that after I do that I can store the install files anywhere I please and reinstall them without ever having to use any GOG service at all. If you have a game on Steam you need Steam to use the game one way or another. There may be games that after install you can bypass Steam but to get that far you need the Steam client. All I need if my backup copy fails me is to download it again from the GOG website. No client install at all. I keep my GOG games backed up in 2 separate computers and an external hard drive so the chances of me even needing their website is slim to none.

Valve Are Funding A Big Change To Mesa, Should Improve Linux Graphical Performance
9 June 2014 at 11:52 am UTC

I may prefer DRM free but I will never talk down about Valve. They do a lot for PC Gaming as a whole. Kudos to them for helping out even more.