Latest Comments by STiAT
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow Point & Click Adventure Game, Looks Dark & Awesome
11 June 2014 at 2:24 pm UTC

@hardpenguin I'd guess because they do have existing work (like an engine) and the skillset on Air. Though, a lot of those who used Air in the past are starting to reconsider.

Civilization V Strategy Game Launches Natively On SteamOS Linux
11 June 2014 at 2:15 pm UTC

Complete edition for 14 Euro at Steam now? That's really a steal, I'm going for it even when I'm not a fan of turn-based strategy games.

Virtual Programming Are Working To Improve The Witcher 2 On Linux
11 June 2014 at 11:17 am UTC

Quoting: hardpenguingbudnyhardpenguinMacs always come with NVIDIA card on board, so it is a bit more standarized platform than Linux (install on any hardware, yay!)
I think that you did not to have a chance to use own Mac computer because you did not tell the truth about graphic cards. From my point of view, they sell computers with Intel, ATI, and Nvidia graphic cards. I did not notice any standardization in this case, and I say this as a Mac and Linux user.Omahgad, you are right, I just noticed that. I once was on Apple's website and all models they suggested to me were with NVIDIA on board ;3


There actually is an excuse, the graphics stack in OSX is a lot different to the one in Linux, and, so to say, a lot easier and way more polished. It's getting better nowdays with AMD, Intel and Valve trying to improve the situation, but that takes time.

Tormentum - Dark Sorrow Point & Click Adventure Game, Looks Dark & Awesome
10 June 2014 at 10:47 pm UTC

Hmh, definitely thinking on doing a pledge. I like adventures with puzzles.
But it seems to focus a lot on tablets, and I've seen so many bad ports that I'm not sure yet if it would be worth my while. But well, still some days to think about it.