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Obsidian and Paradox team up for new RPG called Tyranny and it's coming to Linux
16 March 2016 at 3:47 pm UTC

After all this "Linux wasn't worth it" (at least financially) we still get this Title in Linux . Happy about that.

CryEngine V released, Crytek now offer CryEngine as "pay what you want", source code access too
16 March 2016 at 3:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

Give them time, I bet Vulkan will be coming to CryEngine. It would be a complete desaster if they didn't implement Vulkan API in future in terms of their competitiveness (Android, Win7).

Nvidia release GameWorks SDK 3.1, releasing code on github
16 March 2016 at 3:42 pm UTC

It's a start. Who knows where this leads us, NVidia is slow / careful on this, but once opensource, if they see it's no damage to them I'd expect more to come.

Serious Engine 1 Linux source code is coming
16 March 2016 at 9:34 am UTC

Quoting: GrimfistVery nice of Croteam, this is why I buy their linux games.
Does this actually mean we can play Serious Sam First & Second Encounter natively on Linux?
I own both for Windows on Steam, so assets are there, I just need a Linux executable ;)

That's actually what we'll get. The executable.

Looking forward to the releases. Maybe we can get a small community around this release. The engine itself has a lot to offer for smaller games.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't look like it will come to Linux any time soon
15 March 2016 at 3:55 pm UTC

Quoting: everything I've heard suggest that Vulkan is a lot more like DX12 than OpenGL was like DX11 and under, so porting from DX12 to Vulkan should be a lot simpler once CryEngine gets proper Vulkan support.

That's actually very true, porting between DX12 and Vulkan is not too complicated since they're very similar from a developers perspective.

This opens up a very huge possibility for developers: Get rid of the DX11 code path. Win7 still has a significant market share - but no DX12 but Vulkan, and it's easier to port from DX12 to Vulkan than from DX12 to DX11. As long as XBox exists, we will very likely have DX12 as at least one primary target, but Vulkan could be the other (depending on if Sony will support Vulkan next to their GNM. At least for supporting Win7 (with a 30+% market share still) we'll see Vulkan rather than DX11 due to the fact that those two are less different to each other.

For this, there is another advantage: For developers there hardly will be a difference between DX12 and Vulkan, so it's an easier learning curve between those two, making ports take less time.

Serious Engine 1 Linux source code is coming
15 March 2016 at 3:39 pm UTC Likes: 1

Hmh, will make it easier to port for us ... well, unnecessary :-). Dropping my weekend plan for getting input to work.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't look like it will come to Linux any time soon
15 March 2016 at 1:18 pm UTC

Missing clear communication probably. I won't be a hypocrit about this. We know it well that it's very likely not their primary goal, and that we'll probably have to wait.

Technically not possible is a bad thing though, hopefully what or who ever they're waiting for will do their part.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't look like it will come to Linux any time soon
15 March 2016 at 9:49 am UTC Likes: 1

I've been asking them in the past a few times about Linux, and it seems as if the plans crumbled over time.

First it was "yes, but not in beta".
Then it was "yes, but at a later time".
Now it's "technically impossible".

I see a pattern there. We'll see, maybe they still can manage to get it on Linux somehow at some day. I certainly hope so, since I backed the project.

AMD could be back in the CPU performance game with Zen
14 March 2016 at 8:53 am UTC

My gaming rig is now 3 years old, but since it still runs a GTX770, I don't have plans to replace it just too soon (most titles run "good enough" for my taste, so I'm planning to give my rig until christmas).

I really hope Zen, new graphics drivers and a now faster evolving mesa will shake it up a bit. Though, I don't get my hopes up too much, but I'm willing to give them a shot again on my next buy if things improve.

Croteam releases Serious Engine version 1.10 as free software
14 March 2016 at 8:38 am UTC Likes: 1

Pretty well structured, porting to SDL2 should be not be too painful (input/sound). For Networking they seem to use normal sockets, as far as I found out now it's just to port in Sources/Engine/GameAgent/GameAgent.cpp (recvfrom) and Sources/Engine/Network/CommunicationInterface.cpp (seems to be the base communication interface implementing windows sockets).

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