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Latest Comments by Brokatt
GNOME gets €1M funding from the Sovereign Tech Fund
13 November 2023 at 2:52 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: Brokatt
Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: BrokattI don't see "Improve the state of VRR."

Very few people care about VRR, which is also why it have taken so long to get it implemented.

I would guess that for the millions of Linux Steam users VRR is somewhat important. I just thought that after getting some extra funding they would put some of it towards that 3 year old merge request.

It's only important to gamers which already is a small subset of all Linux users and on top of that it is also only important to people that have a system that cannot handle high enough frame rates, if you e.g have 1% lows > 90fps then you will not see screen tearing so VRR will be mostly useless then.

Yes it's very important to gamers. I would go as far as to call it a game changer for PC gaming. The fact that Gnome is not prioritizing it is very sad. But I understand gamers are not the target audience for IBM/Red Hat. Still I was hoping to see some progress with this donation.

GNOME gets €1M funding from the Sovereign Tech Fund
13 November 2023 at 12:13 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: BrokattI don't see "Improve the state of VRR."

Very few people care about VRR, which is also why it have taken so long to get it implemented.

I would guess that for the millions of Linux Steam users VRR is somewhat important. I just thought that after getting some extra funding they would put some of it towards that 3 year old merge request.

GNOME gets €1M funding from the Sovereign Tech Fund
10 November 2023 at 3:00 pm UTC

I don't see "Improve the state of VRR."

Steam Deck Preview update has a Unified Refresh Rate and Framerate Limit slider
7 November 2023 at 3:10 pm UTC

Quoting: dpanter"frame tripling"? What.

Quoting: BOYSSSSSI don't know what "frame tripling" is, but I hope they implement Black Frame Insertion in gamescope.

My guess would be that the GPU renders a frame three times for every refresh in the case of 20 fps on a 60 Hz display. It would still not be an optimal experience but an improvement over the alternative. I imagine there would a a lot of input lag but there is only so much you can do at 20 fps. I'm not experienced enough to talk about this but yeah it sounds like a "Baldurs Gate 3 feature" :)

Canonical detail a whole lot of Steam Snap improvements
2 November 2023 at 11:03 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ElectricPrismImagine (being Canonical and) having Valve in the bag, (which could have greatly strengthened their position) only to destroy their functional relationship when they dropped 32-bit libraries, and then later to trying to backup and try to win some points by bundling their store inside your cancer package system that nobody wants to uses outside your walled/gated garden.

This is peak Irony. Mount Ironicus. It's actually so bad, it's so good -- somebody should write a comedy book about Canonical, except instead of jokes it's just the history of the things that they have done the last decade. It would be a comedy gold thriller hands down.

That's a very skewed view but you are entitled to it. While I agree that Canonical could have handled the situation MUCH better, the fact is Ubuntu is still the recommended OS by Steam 4 years later and Ubuntu is still among the most popular distros for Steam users.

I do find it hilarious that you talk about snaps as "cancer package system that nobody wants to use". Like you actually think package systems is something most users care about. I dare you to find a normal Windows user that is trying Linux out and tell them about the differences between snap, flatpak, appimage, deb, etc. without them falling asleep. I cannot stress how little I care about package systems. I cared nothing for package systems when I used Windows nor Mac, and that has not changed when I switched to Linux. Snap, Flatpak, Appimage, deb - I don't care what I use as long as it works and I have minimal issues. I do realize this is a very unpopular opinion in the community but I firmly believe to be in the majority on this one.

I do apologize in advance for any offense I may have caused.

Canonical detail a whole lot of Steam Snap improvements
1 November 2023 at 12:28 pm UTC

Looks great but I would like an update on mesa-git that was said to be bundled before I switch to the snap. Is it there? Is it working?

Discord for Linux gets Flathub Verified
31 October 2023 at 8:16 am UTC

Quoting: PinballWizardNow if only I could stream with audio on Linux.
Quoting: JordanPlayz158
Quoting: PinballWizardNow if only I could stream with audio on Linux.

A man can dream.

This may actually be a linux issue, as in I have heard windows are not linked to their audio stream(s), at least maybe not through pipewire?

It's a Linux issue. The only solution I have found is using is using XWaylandBridge together with Discord-ScreenAudio (web app packaged). Not optimal as the official electron Dscord app, for all it's faults, is actually better.

Harebrained Schemes and Paradox Interactive to split
17 October 2023 at 9:05 pm UTC

Quoting: JarmerThis is so sad. I absolutely loved the Shadowrun games. I hope that somehow, some way, at some time, the veterans behind those games get together and do another in that universe.

Funny enough, it was Paradox's predatory scam dlc behavior that prevented me from purchasing Lamplighter. So maybe HBS can pick up and move to a better home!

Why? There's only a digital artbook and soundtrack available as DLC. Not very scammy IMHO.

I ignored this game because it looked boring, the style was bland and it had a weird name. I much would have preferred a less comedic setting with a little more horror to it.

Ubuntu 23.10 'Mantic Minotaur' is out now
13 October 2023 at 8:56 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: fenglengshunDoes Steam Snap work well yet?

I am also interested in this. It was moved out of beta in April.

As a concept like the idea of combining Steam, Mesa-latest and MangoHud all in one easy to install snap.

After over 80 weeks the Steam Deck leaves the top 10 global sellers on Steam
12 October 2023 at 2:47 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: yerald
Quoting: BrokattMaybe for those who use the Steam Deck as their main gaming device and are prepared to pay for for marginal better performance in AAA games. But how big a portion of the total user base is that? I get the impression that most that have a Steam Deck (or ROG Ally) are satisfied except for the performance in Starfield.

The Steam Deck is my only gaming device, after never owning a gaming PC or console in my adult life, and only occasionally playing a few steam games on my low-end Mac or Linux laptops as a college student. There’s nothing I want changed on it as of now, and I wonder how many people have use cases like mine, where the concerns of hardcore long-time gamers feel totally irrelevant, because this thing opened up a new or long forgotten hobby to us and seems revolutionary, rather than ready for a refresh.

I also don’t really have much attraction to most AAA games, and since I’ve missed out on so many interesting games, I am enjoying playing the best of the last two decades that I’ve missed, and emulating childhood favorites from consoles I never had, but play at the houses of friends or relatives.

I have a custom built gaming PC and a Steam Deck but I could see a future were I have only a Stream Deck, and a dock with my monitor, mouse and keyboard. That's a real possibility and a very interesting one. Some games really are played best at a desk with a mouse and keyboard but the Steam Deck docked can accommodate this.

My gaming PC is only 2 years old so it's probably at least 3 more years before I feel the need to upgrade. By that time the Steam Deck 2 is probably released and could be good enough as my main gaming device.