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Latest Comments by StoneColdSpider
Space Bandit is a top-down shooter with slick tunes and a Hotline Miami vibe
3 August 2022 at 10:23 pm UTC

Well lets hope it doesnt get refused classification in Australia like Hotline Miami 2 did......

Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is Steam Deck Verified ahead of release
3 August 2022 at 10:18 pm UTC Likes: 1

Wooohooooooo I was hoping my favourite super hero of all time Spider-Man would be proton compatible......... but for 94.95 Dollarydoos I will wait for a massive sale.....

Humble Choice has The Ascent, Hot Wheels Unleashed, A Plague Tale: Innocence
3 August 2022 at 2:19 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: denyasisGas Station Simulator??

Maybe I'm biased, or dumb, or too close to the source material, but I don't really understand at all the appeal of these "blue collar/service" job simulators.

I mean if you're really into it, we have job openings. It's even like an RPG! You start off doing low level work like picking up roadkill and you get to choose you starting equipment (do you want a shovel.... Or gloves?)!!

You can even level up, but it still won't suck up dead animals. Side quest: unclog the Pelican. (Pro tip: pick gloves at the start!)

Lol i agree.....

Im waiting for "Office Worker Simulator"..... Welcome to the mind numbing world of Data Entry...... Work at the same company for three years without your boss even knowing your name........ Have daily fights with the printer that never works and has contant paper jams, even though IT says the printer is fine and no error messages appear it never works and keeps ruining your work...... Work hard and watch as you get passed over for every promotion as they are given to relatives/friends of the bosses...... Make one mistake and watch as your pay gets docked and get an email from any manager above you warning you that you are making to many mistakes..... Beg and plead to your new bosses that you are worthy enough to keep around during a corporate merger, spending months not knowing if you will have a job everyday you turn up for work...... Get escorted out of the building by security after getting fired for making three mistakes in the same calendar year..... ALL THIS AND MORE IN OFFICE WORKER SIMULATOR!!!

ScummVM 2.6.0 out now with more retro game support
2 August 2022 at 1:50 pm UTC

Looks like another quality update to ScummVM...... Look forward to checking it out tomorrow.....

Valve bans devs from adding review scores and awards on Steam store assets
1 August 2022 at 10:09 pm UTC Likes: 1

Seeing review scores on game covers doesnt make me want to play the game more...... Scores dont mean much anyway since everyone has a different opinion on what the scores means...... To me 7/10 is good but to others 7/10 is mediocre, which to me mediocre would be 5/10....... I would like to see review scores abolished across the board......

Proton Experimental brings support for Unravel Two, fixes up Civilization IV
29 July 2022 at 11:25 am UTC

oooooooooooooo Civ IV fixes..... I will have to give this a go!

You can now play DOOM as the Cat from Stray
28 July 2022 at 10:49 pm UTC Likes: 6

That sure looks like one "Hell" of a "Cat-tastrophe".......

Thank you thank you....... I'm here all week folks.....

Hobo Cat Adventures features dark humour and souls-like combat - now on Linux
27 July 2022 at 12:30 pm UTC Likes: 4

I have 2 questions about this game.....

1. What drugs was the developer on when making this?
2. Where can I get them?

DIMENSIONAL SLAUGHTER is an absolutely wild sounding fast-paced retro shooter
25 July 2022 at 10:49 pm UTC

That looks really good..... loving the return of the Boomer Shooter..... I will keep an eye on this one for sure.... cheers....

The Humble Deck Builder Bundle is live, here's what works on Linux & Steam Deck
23 July 2022 at 8:23 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: PenglingWas I the only one who misread "Deck Builder Bundle" as a bundle that one can build for the Steam Deck, as opposed to a bundle relating to the deck-builder genre?

Nope i misread it as well...... I have zero interest in the Steam Deck but that misread made peaked my interest enough to click on the story to find out more..... was disappointed to say the least.....