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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
Fans Making Super Mario 64 Remake, Looking for Contributors
16 January 2015 at 9:46 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: ElectricPrismNintendo is no longer the Indie game company I loved growing up in the 90s

Indie game company?!? Nintendo was founded in 1889, yes, in the 19th century, producing playing cards. It had massive amounts of resources and connections when it got into electronic toys in the 1960s.

Yes I'm aware of Nintendo's origins starting as a card company and got into hotel services before they got into gaming, the point I I wanted to highlight was this:
Mostly all gaming developers in the 1990s were what we would consider "Indie" by today's standard, A Link to the Past, System Shock 2, Half Life 1, Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, etc...

Everything today from mainstream generally sucks because big developers don't want to risk loosing money so they take less chances on weird ideas and try to reign it in by being politically correct - we see this in movies all the time.

Just saw the remake of Batman? We'll guess what it's time for another reboot of Batman, or lets reboot Superman because it's a safe way to extract cash from consumers at the box office. In the same way we see remakes and new versions of the same old crap from Nintendo because it's a safe way to extract cash from customers. You liked A Link to the Past? We'll you'll love Skyward Sword! Buy Today!!! But the problem is the soul and the witt and the indie environment that birthed the genius of A Link to the Past and Final Fantasy 6 have been replaced by a sterile corporate world that cares most about its bottom line, and employees that care about job security - that's why most of everything sucks from large gaming companies.

Take it with some salt, I don't need to convert others to my perspective - but just be open to the idea that gaming has become a job for many instead of a love and passion like the good ole 90s :)

Fans Making Super Mario 64 Remake, Looking for Contributors
16 January 2015 at 7:22 pm UTC

Lets hope this group is working out of a third world country,

Although Nintendo put many a pressure on Pokemon Online, they're treking strong. I mean seriously, why Nintendo wouldn't make a Pokemon Online is beyond me, wow makes what 2 billion dollars a year in subscriptions at least?

Nintendo is no longer the Indie game company I loved growing up in the 90s, BTTA this game looks awesome, I hope they throw all their dev files out into the ether and cordinate in a decentralized way as It would be great to play.

I've always theorized that a game could release a "official version" where all the models were Tux + Tux Castle, and then it was just a known fact that the game had a "Mario Model Mod", if I was going to put up a shield and even want to get my game on Steam that's what I might try to do,

We see so much proprietary Content by Content Creators in Garrys Mod, etc... and they get a pass because the game itself is its own creation and separate.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From GamingOnLinux
25 December 2014 at 10:25 pm UTC Likes: 1

Godot Engine 1.0 Is Out, Open Source Game Engine & Editor
17 December 2014 at 9:25 pm UTC

Is anyone using this yet? Is it like Game Maker in any way / shape / form. I would love a good Game prototyping app.

Massive Starbound Update Coming Soon, New Huge Trailer
17 December 2014 at 9:13 pm UTC

Can someone bug Redigit from Terraria, I'm dying for the Terraria Linux port :( my <3 is broken that its not here yet and WINE SSH Tunnels for Multiplayer is my only builder / mining 2D refuge :'(

SuperTuxKart 0.8.2 Beta Released
17 December 2014 at 9:02 pm UTC Likes: 1

As I said on OMGUbuntu,

Can we get a Steam release? PPA & Tar.gz installations are so tiresome,

Plus SuperTux devs would get better ideas of Gamer Linux Metrics, Achievements, Locales, Free Steam Forums, Community Chat, Screenshots, and other elements that encourage Game Community Building.

No, Final Fantasy XIII-2 Probably Isn't Coming To Linux
17 December 2014 at 9:02 pm UTC

Most people don't know that every FF game is a completely different story, world, characters, etc...

None of the FF games share anything in common except perhaps the battle systems and the menus are similar sometimes.

That Said, I think its realistic we'll see a lot of AAA titles maybe even perhaps FF15 on SteamOS once Valve lights their Cannon and blasts off the launchpad.

FF6, FF7 and FF8 are the best IMO. FF9 & FF10 were disappointments, FF12 was unplayable because the battle system changeover. Ever since Squaresoft merged with that Hentai company their games have gone to T & A land really fast (FF10+). FF11 and FF14 were online and wanted to be WoW so bad but failed horribly.

FF13 = Final Fantasy The Hallway as maps are highly linear and really boring. ZZZzzz

Will purchase any/all FF games if they do a native Linux release.

Interstellar Marines Update 16 “Assault On Starcrown Aerospace” Is Live
17 December 2014 at 8:53 pm UTC

How do players like this game compared against CoD & Halo? I've been wanting a good PC FPS for a while but CS:S and CS:GO didn't have the Halo feel, the closest I found was Section 8: Prejudice but unfortunately its Windows only and the Devs abandoned it.

Hows Interstellar Marines?

Counter Strike: Global Offensive Lowers Memory Use On Linux
13 December 2014 at 7:41 am UTC

Dota 2 is getting a custom map editor, I can't wait!

I'm also looking foreward to Golden Eye Source on Source SDK 2013 if any game devs wanna go robb their git repo & help out.

Really looking at this new Racing game called Distance that just launched early access, It's been so long without hope for a great Linux racer :( Could this be the one?