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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
GoldenEye: Source Is Now Open Source, Get Porting To Linux!
12 November 2014 at 5:58 am UTC

I would love to hear a update on GES port to the new Source SDK + Linux

QbQbQb Arcade Game Released On Steam For Linux, Win Some Keys
11 November 2014 at 9:33 pm UTC

Looks fun, added to my wishlist on steam

Adventure RPG Short 'A Bird Story' Out Now
10 November 2014 at 3:54 am UTC

@DrMcCoy - I totally agree whole heartedly. I've been dying for a FF6 style game for years, "To the Moon" was a super mega ultra cock tease letdown, I dont give a rats ass about some sob story old man that wanted to go back into his memory to change time... that's the stupidest plot I've ever heard of since that retarded ass movie Source Code where non-technical people try to use our terminology to dress up a fugly and poorly written concept and story.

Eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WatVodRARsU

I love the art & style of To the Moon so hopefully this "A Bird Story" won't be as much of a letdown as TTM.

A Different Idea For The SteamOS UI
23 October 2014 at 8:18 pm UTC Likes: 1

Nice mockup from a technical perspective, but it feels luke-warm.

Kindof makes Steam feel "Generic" and like it doesn't stand out from the crowd.

The login screen was hawt though.

Unreal Tournament Has Public Builds Available For All Platforms Now
22 October 2014 at 9:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

@EKRboi, works with those parameters, thanks :)

./UE4 UnrealTournament -resx=5760 -resy=1080 -windowed -vsync -opengl4

Unreal Tournament Has Public Builds Available For All Platforms Now
22 October 2014 at 9:21 pm UTC

Same error on Ubuntu 14.04 x 64 / Elementary Freya 0.3 Beta 1

Beyond-Human: A Cross Of Megaman And Devil May Cry On Kickstarter
15 October 2014 at 4:51 pm UTC

This looks kickass, I saw the labs and the first thing I thought was Super Metroid :) Since then all Metroids have sucked

Unity3D Games "Phone Home" With Details Of Your Hardware & Software
14 October 2014 at 6:24 am UTC

Unity3D isn't at the top of my list of favorite engines.

Their Linux user base isn't that big because Linux users are hardcore and don't want to play the mcdonalds of gaming at the top of their list.

I couldn't care less about them collecting impersonal metrics to understand their audience, its just not a very nice thing to do without a disclaimer or request for permission.

The 90's Arcade Racer Delayed Again
10 October 2014 at 9:50 pm UTC

That's disappointing since I held this game in such high esteem when I saw the kickstarter in 2013.

I've been dying for something to play since I can't do Burnout Paradise on Linux, there's no good racers, and this seemed to have the glory of Crusin the World from N64.

Really bummed out, I hope they put it on the fast track, SteamOS + Linux is avalanching, I wouldn't be surprised if Windows became second place because of their DRM Binary Signatures.

The developer for Calibre 10 Racing was considering a Linux Kickstarter Port, I would love to see it.

We are streaming Borderlands 2 (Updated with VODs)
2 October 2014 at 6:41 pm UTC Likes: 1

This was a really good idea