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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
Calling All Web Designers, We Need A New Look
1 October 2014 at 7:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

I think the light colors are easy to read and uplifting, still another color to go along with the blue and white might help warm up the design a little, but then again the mascot and logo is a blue penguine so maybe a frozen look is appropriate, hard to say.

New Patch Out For The MOBA Strife, Featuring Three New Heroes
1 October 2014 at 7:50 pm UTC

The new DOTA2 update kicks so much ass with the new trail on the Radiant Secret Shop. The stairs on the spawning fountain. The Double Spawning Runes, Bounty Rune Addition & Rosh pit moved. Along with the courier to transforming into your personal courier when you call it. Also, the particle effects & kill headlines have really made the game feel really "fun".

Sure I'll try Strife, I hope its not as dismally dark as HoN, HoN always had a creepy vibe in their character art, not something I would classify as "fun", "lighthearted" or even "a game for the whole family".

A Message From John Byrne Of AMD & A Survey
27 September 2014 at 2:56 pm UTC

Here's my Survey
"Nvidia Customer & IT for 10+ years. Loved AMD 2000 - 2004.

Create a Linux Driver that is half open source and half proprietary,

The Linux Community ported the Unreal Engine in 1 day.

Steam Linux Gamers make up aprox 75,000 active users.

If you sold a new card to each of them at $150 you would make: $11,250,000

If you captured 25% of the market you would make $2,812,500.

Incase you don't realize, Linux Users are among the most devout, we are usually IT Administrators, we tell people what Mobos, CPUs and Graphics Cards to buy, I've personally built 10+ computers for friends & family in the last few years and they've all been Intel + NVidia.

Help me root for the underdog, give me a reason to make my brothers new graphics card on Linux a AMD for his gaming, give me a reason for our next builds to be AMD CPU, AMD Graphics & AMD Motherboard,

Give me a mostly open source Radeon Driver for Linux and I guarantee that the Network Effect (Wikipedia It) will ensue as Linux Users are even more PR devout & addicted to specific products than mac users.

I hope my next Build is AMD, please consider my feedback seriously."

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Linux Beta Due Soon! (UPDATED)
23 September 2014 at 7:43 pm UTC

I hope their surf maps have improved, if so I look foreward to CS:GO, 6 months ago CSS Surf & Maps were much more fun, lets see if that has changed.

New Steam Store, Lots Of New Stuff
23 September 2014 at 7:41 pm UTC

We as humans sometimes hate change when a thing works perfectly well already.

I've been used to the Grey Steam layout for 3 years, I hope this change is worth the disturbance to the users.

I can't stand scrolling down forever but I guess that's in line with community hub and keeping you on their page & site.

A friend has commented that Steam now looks like from the blue, I laughed.

On the other hand, the change will get them a lot of publicity and is in line with their new look & Steam Machines & probably works great in Big Picture Mode.

SNOW, A Winter Sports Game Shows A Teaser On Linux, Powered By CryEngine
20 September 2014 at 7:33 pm UTC

Awesome Demo, I would love more Skate & Snow games on Linux.

Being physically engaged is one of the only things that gives me the mental harmonious sync and clarity that I need when I program.

So by that notion, I would love sports games like Snow & Skate on my Linux box.

Skullgirls Developers Detail What's Going On With The Linux Port
16 September 2014 at 6:13 pm UTC

To my knowledge Sound, Art & Video Assets are in no way locked into a platform.

Most game developers wrap methods & functions that access dependency libraries to a local API to make porting greatly simplified. It just sounds to me like their code is a trashy piece of evolved procedural code instead of pre-designed modular masterpiece.

If Linux developers ported Unreal Engine in 24 hours then seriously, how hard would it be in the hands of someone competent? Take a $75,000 Yearly Programmer Salary and divide it by 12, if a programmer had 1 month to complete the port it would only cost $6,250 wages.

They're telling us that out of the $828,000 they made they're unwilling to pay $6,250 to port to Linux? How sad.

Terraria Officially Confirmed To Be In Development For Linux, Finally!
15 September 2014 at 6:46 pm UTC

H E L L Y E Z ! ! !

My girl & me collectively have over 1,000 hours logged in developing a single Terraria map. Since we're exclusively both on Linux we've greatly missed playing Terraria for quite a long time now.

I seem to be infectious as I got 10 friends into Terraria, so this news is like winning the lottery since Starbound is intolerable to play to me - boring, unfun and nothing like the awesome Terraria experience.

Starbound is Decaf and Terraria is Dark Roast Coffee, they may look like the same thing to the untrained onlooker but Terraria is so much better!

Viva Terraria, come to Linux soon my fine Terrian Friends. No more TShock or broken Wine Multiplayer BBY, no more SSH Tunnels for 7777. Viva Redigit.

Deadhold, A Squad Based Action RTS Game, And It's Coming To Linux
14 September 2014 at 4:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: EKRboiAnyone have some DOTA2 advice for me?

DOTA2 is like drinking beer & spirits, best when done with friends.

Try heroes that are fun for noobs:
Viper (Most Evasion), Sniper (Most Range), Natures Prophet (Lane Pusher + Teleport Ult), Ursa (Stacking Damage), Rikki (Invisibility) are fairly easy for noobs
Axe is like Darius from LOL,
Techies is like Teemo from LOL,
Drow Ranger is like Ash from LOL

Luna is a great support & tank if you have trouble dying.

Wraith King's ult gives him a resurrect making him a good noob hero Choice.

** If you make a custom DOTA2 game you can enable cheats to skip to level 25 and give yourself as much gold as you want in case you wanna see champions abilities quickly.

** Only play bot games with/without other people, there isn't much difference between bot AI from easy to hard, I find Hard Bots easier than Easy Bots because Easy Bots run away too often and somehow bots seem to have inhuman boot speed helping them get away.

** Get a BKB which gives you 10 seconds invulnerability when activated to spells if you're a ADC and you wanna charge the enemy team without being stunned, silenced or vaporized.

** Understand the differences between Strength, Agility and Intelligence and build your hero according to which of those attributes is their dominate feature.

** Understand how to use the courier to stay in your lane at all times to soak up EXP.

** Understand turrets won't protect you from being Ganked, you need cunning to use the shadows of the forest to get away from Ganks, blink dagger, or shadow blade.

** Always carry a TP scroll to let you teleport to other lanes if yours gets dangerous to farm.

** Last Hitting minions is much more important than in other MOBAs like LOL and Jungling is much more lucrative than LOL too.

** Buy a Salve and Tangos at the beginning, Tangos will restore HP even when hit by minions, Salve will cancel when hit by enemies. A good starter item is a Ring of Basilius as it gives AOE mana regen to allies & self.

** Never take minion damage, they hit much harder than LOL and can actually kill you.

** Dying in Dota2 matters a lot more than LOL as you loose $200 - $400 often when you die. So spend your money before you die.

** The Map can be moved from right to left if you prefer it like that, scoreboard can be hotkey, shop, etc... in the top left gear icon to whatever key you like. I hotkey my F1 hero select to spacebar and Courier to C, Scoreboard to Tab, and shop to I or P. I also hotkey Items to 1-6 instead of Z-N.

** Buy Boots of Travel as a mid to late game item to decrease time getting back to the lane after dead.

** Watch the championship and pro DOTA2 games to see play strategies, item builds on heroes, etc...

DOTA2 Item system is much better, I regret buying lots of items on LOL, but my girl & me have spent at least $60 on DOTA2, Items can be sold in the Community Marketplace for real Steam Wallet money which you can use to buy other games, or you can buy items from the marketplace sometimes for less than they cost in the DOTA2 store from other players. You can also trade/gift items & skins from one account to another, 99% items are not account-locked. Also, a lot of the couriers and items are made by the Steam Community. If you 3D Model, you can sell your 3D modeled items in DOTA2 and Valve will split the profit with you, there are people who quit their jobs making creating DOTA2 Item Creation their new Job for real money.

** Also, the balancer for DOTA2 is from DOTA1, balancing is done around the Pro games and not Noob / Tween complaints. The idea behind champions is that every hero should be able to get OP and rampage if feed enough cash, exp and kills. The balancer is a single person and he doesn't cater to teenager baddies that b1tch and moan about XYZ Champion OP nurf Nidalee, Draven, Kassadin, etc...

Obviously DOTA2 > LOL, plus DOTA2 set a record high prize to the champions of the 2014 DOTA2 E-Sport Championship this year - $10,9000,000 was given out in July. Nearly 500% more than any other MOBA.

Before the 2014 Championship, DOTA2 made 40+ Million Dollars in only a couple months from Compendium Digital Championship Book sales in only about 3 months. Since I started playing nearly 6 months ago DOTA2 has seen 3,000,000 new unique players currently around 9 Million.

Lutris Open Gaming Platform New Release
14 September 2014 at 4:27 pm UTC Likes: 2

Looks light-years ahead of Desura and it's barely even Beta.

Looking forward to more news on this, Burnout Paradise on NIX as seen in their screenshot is only a dream for me.