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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
Counter Strike Global Offensive Prepares For A Linux Release
11 September 2014 at 5:06 pm UTC

I hope CS:GO surfing has improved to match CS:S. Surfing is the only reason I play CS:S

This is good news for PC gamers everywhere.

McDROID Released For Linux On Steam
9 September 2014 at 6:07 pm UTC

Desura is crap. I contacted them 2 years ago asking them to step it up, I bet if hackers wanted to they could break into their server in no time at all.

The Linux Derurium client is buggier than a house infested with termites. Too bad Desura, your lackadaisicalism has left me disappointed, our love was not meant to be. I've moved on to a sexier and funner girlfriend and her name is Steam.

Puppy Games Aren't Impressed With Linux Sales (UPDATED)
8 September 2014 at 9:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

According to IGN there are 75 Million Steam Users.
According to the Steam Linux data 1% of Steam users are on Linux.

That means the maximum potential sale count for a developer selling a game on Linux / Steam is about 750,000 sales per game if 100% of Steam Linux users bought a game.

If 1% of us bought a game at $9.99 that means $749,250 for a game developer from a measly 1% of users of 1% steam.

I seriously doubt they only made $12,000 as most linux users already owned their game from the Humble Bundle. Also, I bought their games, but their games really aren't that fun - that game RoboCraft is more likely to get my money because the free to play model pulled me in and I desperately want in game content.

My experience with Puppy games can be described as "disappointed" and "mediocre".

How To Build A Budget Steam Machine
17 August 2014 at 6:52 pm UTC

I've had great success with G.Skill brand Ram in my last 5 PC builds.

EVGA GTX 750 Ti SC drivers and performance are pretty good for me on Linux games.

However if you're going for the most economical you should really promote this website as they help you find the cheapest high quality parts available.

Their GTX 750 Ti is 120$ although not OC. Also, their step up the GTX 760 start @ $220 if you really want to build a Steam Machine that will last longer.

A Very Important Announcement For You
16 August 2014 at 5:18 pm UTC

@Liam - You do what you think is best for yourself, but you should know I always looked forward especially to GOL articles in my RSS feed every day along side with OMGUbuntu.

Whatever changes you make, try to maintain balance, I find that I have to balance my computer work with exercise to maintain a healthy mindset and feel good, and if/when you do come back you'll be more than welcome by all of us internet peoples & GOL supporters I'm sure ;).

OpenGL 4.5 Announced, Work Started On Next Generation OpenGL
12 August 2014 at 6:44 am UTC Likes: 2

For anyone interested in a DX vs OGL contrast this is a great read on "The Network Effect" and the Market Lock Microsoft & Apple try so hard to achieve with Metal and Direct X

NeonXSZ Cyberspace FPS Arrives On Steam In August
31 July 2014 at 7:14 pm UTC

I'm really excited for this. The developer has been hard at work every day on this project.

Valve Have Another New Design For The Steam Controller
24 July 2014 at 1:03 am UTC

The RG LG Buttons are a excellent innovation.

I don't really care where the buttons are as long as it fits right in my hands. Anyone remember how Xbox 2000 Controllers were giant at first?

I wouldn't mind if you could unscrew the touch-pads and replace them with joysticks

Leadwerks Game Developer Toolkit Now Heading To Steam For Linux
20 July 2014 at 3:39 pm UTC

Great, I'll add this to my wishlist as a "watch". So far the 3D Tools for Steam on Linux are mediocre, maybe this will be better?