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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
A Linux Port Of Terraria Will Soon Be Looked At, Hooray
14 July 2014 at 4:17 pm UTC


QuoteIs there a big difference between terraria and starbound?

If you play it for more than a day, yeah they're very different. Terarria artwork is more SNES-esk and true to conventional SNES sprite form factors of 8 & 16 pixel multiples on the tile sets.

Starbound doesn't follow conventional sprite sizes and they don't use black in their overworld sprites which give them a flat cartoon feel.

Terarria is more about mining deep down into the earth and collecting materials where Starbound is more about exploring and killing / stealing from alien's homes. If you think you're going to go mining very deep in Starbound - you're gonna have a bad time finding basic materials like Iron.

Both are good games, but they're not the same gameplay at all. (Obviously everything I said is IMO)

A Linux Port Of Terraria Will Soon Be Looked At, Hooray
13 July 2014 at 6:33 pm UTC Likes: 1

Good God its finally happening!

I've bugged & Redigit to do a port for a while. My girl & me have 900 Hours plus, I can't wait to reinstall it on my ElementaryOS. They've literally ported to every OS other than Linux - iOS, Android, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP - Hell It's About Time My Linux PC gets it!

Finally the 8 copies I bought for friends can be played, are they only doing this to compete with Starbound as it already has a native linux version? I seriously considered playing my copy of Starbound and giving up on Terarria all together.

(Don't bother trying to run Terarria Multiplayer in WINE 1.7.19 either, it's a disaster you have to disable SteamOverlay screen in Steam and use TShock with Mono if you want to do multiplayer and do this whole port 7777 SSH tunnel over to even begin to play the game on Linux :\)

Unreal Engine 4 Now Has Linux Demo Games To Try
7 July 2014 at 6:23 pm UTC


I think your sites visitors / commentors has suffered since you let that spam kiddie force you into removing guest comments.

If its true he only was spaming from home, You should have simply isolated his IP address and "blacklisted" it from viewing the website at all.

Anyways, perhaps I don't have all the facts, but that's how I see it .02 It took me 2 weeks to register and many others I'm sure won't register at all just because the pain in the ass it is.

Or you could have simply setup Disqus which can sync comments with various CMS like WordPress and probably Drupal as well.

Like I said - just .02, good job on everything else.