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Latest Comments by Purple Library Guy
Civ VI Steam forum mods banning users for expressing Linux support
21 December 2016 at 3:30 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: SeeK
Quoting: Purple Library GuyIn a moderated space, you can potentially kill them with kindness. If you are skilled and restrained you could perhaps repeatedly answer them with sufficient sweetness and calm as to frustrate them into trying harder to get a rise, and lure them into getting themselves banned when their attempts to make you mad cross the line. But it's a delicate procedure and won't work on someone experienced.

That's cute, but this guy is literally a professional troll. I think you'll find that he has nothing personal to lose or gain. He has the advantage of experience and a paycheck from Microsoft.

Indeed, I wasn't recommending such a tactic against this particular person. The flooding approach might help--if his posts are quickly buried by a bunch of posts that ignore him, it makes it less likely that other people will feel like answering him and getting the toxic discussion going. It'd take a certain amount of teamwork though, a critical mass of people all agreeing that when they saw a post by this person, they would quickly post something to the thread that bypassed his contribution--replying to someone else, or something.

Civ VI Steam forum mods banning users for expressing Linux support
20 December 2016 at 11:04 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: Kels
Quoting: SeeKIf this were a situation in which we could harmlessly ignore these people, that would be great. The problem is that these trolls are infiltrating the system and sabotaging our very ability to communicate respectfully with developers and amongst ourselves where they operate.

Remember, Microsoft pays people to crash Linux conventions for a reason.

"Don't feed the trolls" has NEVER worked, even back on USENET.

It's even less effective when what the "trolls" want is your silence.

Kind of like the ancient parental advice to just ignore the bullies. Really, really doesn't help.
Not all problems have solutions at all. In an unmoderated space, there really is little or nothing you can do about trolls--about the only thing is, if you have superior numbers, just swamp them, get a group of people to agree that every time the troll makes a post, immediately post a bunch of other stuff that isn't a reply so they are almost instantly a page ago and thus irrelevant. Apparently this is actually a tactic used by propagandists--from intelligence services and such--to marginalize opposing political viewpoints in internet spaces they are trying to influence.

In a moderated space, you can potentially kill them with kindness. If you are skilled and restrained you could perhaps repeatedly answer them with sufficient sweetness and calm as to frustrate them into trying harder to get a rise, and lure them into getting themselves banned when their attempts to make you mad cross the line. But it's a delicate procedure and won't work on someone experienced.

Pizza Crash, a prototype game about delivering pizza which shows promise
20 December 2016 at 12:37 am UTC

The Deliverator takes no guff from upstart hot dog trucks. The Deliverator stands tall, your pie in thirty minutes or you can have it free, shoot the driver, take his car, file a class-action suit.

Iron Sky Invasion now has a Linux beta on Steam, uses Wine
17 December 2016 at 6:13 pm UTC

Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: LinasIf Wine needs to be hacked . . . then the result is, after the game works Wine is a little bit better.

This is incorrect, Wine will never accept per-program or specific "hacks" to make things work, only properly rewritten code that correctly works as Windows would. So there's no benefit back to the community in this instance.

That strikes me as loading in rather a lot of assumptions.

32-bit Linux distributions are no longer supported by Steam, Steam Web Browser disabled
16 December 2016 at 2:27 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Avehicle788732bit PC Gaming should start being phased out, we cannot be stuck in the early 2000's forever. Involuntarily, someone is always gonna be left behind. If I'm not mistaken Mac has been 64bit exclusive for a few years now already.

Developing PC games in 32bit is bad planning if you ask me, first and foremost you're already limiting the ram usage in your game and secondly you're using an over a decade old technology.

I see a bunch of laptops everyday (97% Windows) and in the majority of cases they're 64bit. The only 32bit ones I see are either Windows XP or Vista with a Core-Duo/DDR2 era CPU.

You can talk about "phasing out", but the thing is, we are not talking here about open source software development or something. We are talking about a commercial platform on which you can buy, and theoretically own, a game without having downloaded it yet. So if I buy a game using a 32-bit computer, and then they make changes such that I can no longer download it with/to my 32-bit computer, that is something approaching fraud. If I buy a game, either they have to find some way I can take delivery of that game or they owe me my money back.

And laptops are generally shorter-lived than desktops. My laptop is quite new and certainly 64-bit. But my desktop is fairly old and 32-bit, and I do still play games on it--indeed, it will play games my laptop will not; better graphics card I believe.

Open source game engine 'Godot' is working on a new 3D renderer
15 December 2016 at 7:33 pm UTC

Quoting: LukeNukem
Quoting: madmachinationsNice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*

I don't get it...
For real, or are you being sarcastic?
Waiting for Godot
Presumably was the point of them calling it that. Actually, by co-incidence the university library I work at has a piece of in-house software also called Godot; it does search-y stuff and I presume early versions were s-l-o-w to make with results.

Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory is now available with lots of new goodies
15 December 2016 at 7:25 pm UTC

So in theory, could I use Canada to take over the USA in this game?

Urban Pirate, a turn-based, urban crime simulation is coming to Linux
15 December 2016 at 7:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

Arrrr! Well, shiver me lampposts and batten down the coffee shops! It be time for plunder.

Iron Sky Invasion now has a Linux beta on Steam, uses Wine
15 December 2016 at 7:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: LinasIf the game actually needs to be hacked to work in Wine or Wine needs to be hacked to make the game work, I think the effort is better spent making an actual native port instead.

End rant. :P

I would want to claim that these are somewhat distinct scenarios (well, they could both happen at the same time, but conceptually). If the game needs to be hacked, depending how much, sure, point taken. If Wine needs to be hacked . . . then the result is, after the game works Wine is a little bit better. If enough people do that, Wine might be quite a lot better. Da power o' open source in action.

Political Animals, a cute political strategy simulator is now on Linux
14 December 2016 at 9:29 pm UTC

QuoteThere's nothing I have more than walls of text

That's OK, it's your job to produce 'em. Or did you mean "hate"?