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Latest Comments by Purple Library Guy
Developer of Starsector fighting stolen artwork from Generic Space Shooter
15 March 2016 at 4:17 pm UTC

Well, um . . . art snitched from other games, can't get much more "generic" than that, right?

Ubuntu 16.04 dropping the AMD Catalyst/fglrx driver
11 March 2016 at 6:44 pm UTC

Quoting: Kimyrielle
Quoting: throgh
Quoting: KimyrielleHandling graphics drivers in Linux is still an absolute pain and is probably THE single biggest obstacle for the average user to get a Linux based system ready for halfway serious gaming. Both AMD but also NVidia have to get their act together eventually and release something that installs with one click, you in Windows. Right now we're a far cry from that. And no, NVidia isn't much better. Optimus. 'nuff said.

Interesting: I have no further problem running the driver installation. You want a one-click-installation? Stay with Windows. Simple as that. :D

Well, if we ever want Linux to become interesting for the 99% of the population -not- tech-savy enough to wrestle with complex command-line based installation procedures, we better DO become a bit more user friendly. No, I haven't had a real problem either. But I don't think the average person would be able to get NVidia drivers to run on an Optimus card (which is the most common NVidia based architecture on laptops if I am not totally mistaken.)

And yes, the person who said that GPU drivers should be installable via the distro's package manager from its standard repository is right. I don't really get why installing a GPU driver has be a completely different process than any other package either.

It should be different because when you're using the package manager you have to know what you're looking for. Way too easy for someone not knowledgeable about such things to either fail to find drivers in the package manager app, or find the wrong one. I don't mind the idea of it being in there, but that shouldn't be the primary method--there should be something in the hardware management side that says "This is what you want! Graphics card driver, over here!" Something that's discoverable even if you're not thinking specifically about drivers for your graphics card but are only dissatisfied with how the graphics are running and noodling around vaguely in the available management apps trying to figure out if anything can be done about that.
Which, as I noted above, current version of Linux Mint totally does.

Ubuntu 16.04 dropping the AMD Catalyst/fglrx driver
11 March 2016 at 6:36 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: throgh
Quoting: KimyrielleHandling graphics drivers in Linux is still an absolute pain and is probably THE single biggest obstacle for the average user to get a Linux based system ready for halfway serious gaming. Both AMD but also NVidia have to get their act together eventually and release something that installs with one click, you in Windows. Right now we're a far cry from that. And no, NVidia isn't much better. Optimus. 'nuff said.

Interesting: I have no further problem running the driver installation. You want a one-click-installation? Stay with Windows. Simple as that. :D

Erm, no. I have no idea what Windows is like for this, but current Mint totally has one-click installation. In the control centre thingie there's a sub-app for graphics; it detects your card and gives you a list of possible drivers (open and closed) but recommends one. Click on the recommended one and badabing.

Cossacks 3 shows off old style diplomacy in a new teaser video
11 March 2016 at 6:27 pm UTC

Quoting: TheBoss
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTI do LOVE <3 RTS games! What do you mean by "another" RTS? I don't know ANY major RTS on Linux apart from the (still buggy) 0a.d. which I do love! I'm not sure though if I'll Cossacks - I just don't knot the game. I'm happy to see a day 1 release!

Well we have the Planetary Annihilation games and Company of Heroes 2 which are two traditional ones, but I meant "another" as in we will actually have another.

What about that pretty-looking one that happens in the dark? What was it called . . . Nightside! That was it.

GOL has been updated, few new bits to be aware of
10 March 2016 at 6:10 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: lucifertdarkDisqus is so bad I've completely blocked it on my machine, I never want to see or use it. My thanks also for you not swapping to it, although never hearing from me again might be seen as a bonus by some. ;)

I'm not a huge fan of Disqus (and I'm perfectly happy that the commenting here is staying as is) but what really rots my socks is places that do Facebook commenting. Bastards. I am not going to get sucked into the Facebook morass just to comment on some stupid site.

Microsoft's latest tactics show Gabe Newell of Valve was right to worry
3 March 2016 at 5:26 pm UTC

Quoting: MalOh God. You gotta read this.

My already low respect for consoletards got even lower. :O

Anyway, a Pearl among this moronic nonsense galore:

QuoteI've said it over and over, we're focused on the best place to play for gamers, not about creating walls.
Phil Spencer

Ooookay. What a weird hissy fit. I'm trying to wrap my head around the point of view . . . Sorry, can't resist, but it looks a lot like the reasoning behind opposing gay marriage.

Microsoft's latest tactics show Gabe Newell of Valve was right to worry
2 March 2016 at 7:52 pm UTC

Quoting: ricki42The Windows store is even more restrictive than just no cross-buy. Apparently at least currently there's
* no SLI support
* Vsync is always on, g-sync/freesync doesn't work
* no overlays
* no .exe files, thus also no modding
* no overlays
* always borderless fullscreen
* no controllers other than the x-box controller
I just hope even many Windows gamers will draw the line at this point and not buy into this. At least a lot of people still remember GFWL and are skeptical.

Very succinct summary. I think in particular the no modding won't go over well. I wonder how PC gamers will take the controller thing.
And the screen thing suggests a question: How does this work with multiple monitors?

Microsoft's latest tactics show Gabe Newell of Valve was right to worry
2 March 2016 at 6:54 pm UTC

Edit: Aaagh. After reading a bit further, I realized my comment here was utterly wrong and based on a complete misunderstanding of the situation I was commenting on. Nothing to see here, move along.

What game would you most like to see on Linux this year?
29 February 2016 at 5:18 pm UTC Likes: 1

Whatever game will shut up the most people saying "But there aren't any AAA games on SteamOS!"

On a more personal level, I'd love to see Galactic Civilizations III, but Stardock seems to be a depressingly Windows-Only kind of shop.

Our Linux & SteamOS gamer survey results for January 2016
26 February 2016 at 12:22 am UTC Likes: 1

I'm sure this has come up before, but I find it interesting what a huge gulf there is between the proportion of AMD users running an open source driver (more than half!) vs. the proportion of Nvidia users running an open source driver (Like 2%!)

It's always been pretty clear that on one hand, the AMD proprietary drivers suck and its open source drivers are fairly decent, and on the other hand, the Nvidia proprietary drivers are fairly decent while (largely because Nvidia are unco-operative bastards) its open source drivers suck. But I hadn't realized the contrast was quite this dramatic.