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Latest Comments by Purple Library Guy
Open Source game engine Godot has a new major release, lots of new stuff
23 February 2016 at 5:10 pm UTC Likes: 5

Meh. I bet it's really slow. You'll be waiting forever for stuff to render. (rimshot)

How SteamOS could become a better console competitor
22 February 2016 at 5:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Guest^If the platform had been marketed better, it would be dominating the market. Despite it's shitty state of 1.0 release.

Because I mean imagine the ad: "over 1500 games available!" people would go

That can actually still be done, wouldn't be as effective as pre-release, but it will still be effective.

Well, you and ChrisQ do have a point. To be honest, I've started to feel like Valve have almost treated the Steam Machine launch as a really extended beta--like, they didn't feel like they were really quite ready to give it the hard push it needed to go places, because it still had too many rough edges and maybe not as many games as they wanted and drivers weren't where they wanted them and stuff, but at the same time they couldn't do "Valve Time" any further, having already delayed the launch one year and pissed off their hardware collaborators--and at least they had the controller pretty much where they wanted it. So they did a soft, semi-beta launch to test the market, give them time to work out the rough edges, get feedback etc., and maybe next fall they'll do a bigger push with newer machines running a newer version of SteamOS and more available games.

How SteamOS could become a better console competitor
22 February 2016 at 5:18 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: eddie-foss
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: eddie-fossPS.: SteamOS is a mess compared with any distro, there is no consistent game/software packaging like we have in all linux distros, there is no dependencies check and there is no file duplication check.
What exactly do you mean? Steam handles the installation of games and their dependencies (the Steam Runtime) and behind the scenes SteamOS--being a Debian derivative--uses APT for package management to cater for the rest of the system.

But SteamOS is obviously not supposed to compete with all-rounders like Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch and the like. It's just a purpose-built vehicle for Steam. If that's not what you want, go ahead and run Steam on another, supported distribution like Ubuntu. Obviously you're not part of the target audience for SteamOS. Neither am I, so don't take this the wrong way.

If you do checksum for all files with same name you will see many duplicated and actually most of the games has a folder with their needed dependencies which some of them is redundant.
In my years of linux I learned that symlinks is a very eficient tool to avoid the flaw of unpatched cloned files.

Redundant . . . now. You missed the time element. Games are not open source packages. They will not get updated forever. Distro packagers will not carefully make sure the version of Victor Vran they ship works with the libraries they also ship. It is wise to include some of their own dependencies in their own folder; in five years, the game will be the same and want the same dependencies, but the OS will have moved forward and the libraries will be a few versions ahead. Depend entirely on the OS' versions and you will get breakage over time. Depend on versions the game has with it and it will keep running fine quite a bit longer. Takes up space, but disk space is ludicrous cheap, especially on most gaming machines, and the kind of libraries that go in dependencies are small.

How SteamOS could become a better console competitor
20 February 2016 at 11:23 pm UTC

Currently, it seems to me that the whole "exclusives" question is rather beside the point. SteamOS is missing so many games that other platforms have . . . it's like everyone else has tons of exclusives over SteamOS. One or two in the other direction, it seems to me, would have a relatively minor impact at this point. Which doesn't mean I don't think it can sell right now, but I don't think it can sell to the sort of people who would care about exclusives unless they have so much money that they can buy every platform without noticing the cost, including however-many-dollars for a Steam machine just to get one game. Mostly, it would just piss people off.

If the various hiccups the article mentions can be fixed, and then the general situation in terms of games on SteamOS continues to improve (as it has been rapidly so far, and Vulkan may well help things keep on getting better), then at some point it might be worth starting to argue about exclusives again. Until then, I think exclusives would be basically pointless. Even then I'd likely be agin' em 'cause they're evil, but for now it's just not even worth arguing about.

For right now, improve polish, improve multimedia, push for better drivers, push Vulkan, get lots of games.

SteamOS beta update brings in a new Nvidia driver with Vulkan support
20 February 2016 at 12:50 am UTC

Quoting: drjomsi am on Gentoo, so those drivers are not installed by default.

Gentoo has a "default" state?

Master of Orion reveals an awesome voice cast, can't wait to have it on Linux
20 February 2016 at 12:49 am UTC

Quoting: Cybolic
Quoting: drmothI don't particularly like Mark Hamill as an actor, but he's seem really great as a voice actor, impressed.
Oh, he's a fantastic voice actor! Surely you know his performance as The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series (and its films) and the Arkham games.
Oh yeah. Iconic Joker. I can still remember his performance in that episode when he thought Batman was dead and he had the guy who "killed" him. Puzzlement, disbelief, increasing unease, anger shading to total flipout, and then "That was fun. Who's for Chinese?" It was a thing of beauty.

Master of Orion reveals an awesome voice cast, can't wait to have it on Linux
18 February 2016 at 5:36 pm UTC Likes: 2

That's impressive. Betcha it was easier to get them because it's MOO and half these people are nerds who probably used to play hours and hours of it.

Another AMD blog post on Vulkan, this time with info about multithreading
18 February 2016 at 5:34 pm UTC

Does anyone else find it a weird contrast that AMD are busy putting out all these no doubt highly useful resources about how to do stuff with Vulkan, but can't seem to put out a driver that does stuff with Vulkan?

Shadowrun: Hong Kong gets free Extended Edition update
6 February 2016 at 12:34 am UTC Likes: 1

I will definitely be buying this before I buy XCOM2. Something about price tag . . .
Harebrained Schemes rock, I've really had fun with the previous two games, they work great on Linux and it's great to see this kind of stand-up support for their games.