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Latest Comments by Purple Library Guy
GOL Asks: What have you been playing on Linux & SteamOS recently?
23 November 2015 at 10:23 pm UTC

This is a little off topic, but I just noticed something interesting:

So apparently the Syber Steam Machines are all doing a $200-off sale today?
If this kind of thing crops up a fair amount, the price-point arguments are going to need rethinking.

CyberPower Syber Steam Machine Has Been Reviewed
21 November 2015 at 7:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ricki42
Quoting: Duckeenie
Quoting: adolsonWindows as a gaming console OS is crap.

Windows is not for me but I hate to see completely unqualified and unsubstantiated statements like: Windows as a gaming OS is crap, when any impartial person would tell you Windows is streets ahead in this regard.

I think 'console' is the operative word in what adolson is saying. Windows is better for PC gaming, with better driver support and more games developed for the OS. But as a console OS for hassle-free comfy couch gaming in the living room, it's less than ideal. A lot of that is due to MS's limitations on how much third-parties are allowed to modify the system (afaik the xb1 runs a Windows kernel, but since it's made by MS, they can modify the OS to suit their needs). That is where Linux has the advantage, Valve can do whatever they want, and all updates running through one central application that Valve controls makes it a lot easier to have a console-like experience.

Now this makes sense to me. There's a selling point here somewhere. I'm not sure, for example, if an Alpha boots straight into Big Picture. I'm not sure if you ever need to do any configuring in Windows--I don't configure things in Windows very often, but recently when I was wiping Windows 10 off my new laptop I had to boot into it and go into weird advanced option things just to get it to let me into the friggin' BIOS--sorry, "UEFI"--so I could turn off moronic Secure Boot. It was a pain and a half, I had to do some googling and watching instruction videos just to figure out where it hid the bloody option. If I had to work with that on an ongoing basis I'd go nuts.
And there is going to be a tendency for Windows to slow down over time, accumulate spyware, need virus protection fiddling (which will also slow it down) . . . these things can be used as browsers too, after all, so they'll be heir to everything on the internet that blights and slows down a Windows box. Then when they get to a certain point they'll need to clean it out or get the power user they know to do it for them. I understand there are measures you can take to keep this kind of thing to a minimum, but couch gamers strike me as including a lot of the kind of people who don't understand those measures. It'll be a pain. Then there will doubtless be weird Windows update shenanigans.

Unfortunately, this is not a simple or obvious sell. These are troubles that pop up gradually, down the road, not right when you buy. It's not instant (lack of) gratification.

CyberPower Syber Steam Machine Has Been Reviewed
21 November 2015 at 7:07 pm UTC

Quoting: CaldazarFor some reason people didn't quite listen to Gabe Newell when he stated what SteamOS was all about.
Did he claim better driver support? More Games? That DirectX 12 would suck over OpenGL 4?

No! What he claimed he will do is to end walled gardens. A machine and OS you own, meaning you won't get sued if you hack it to build a freaking robot with it. Hotz, anyone?

Unfortunately, that isn't a sales strategy or Gnu/Linux would rule the desktop.
And yes, I put the "Gnu" part in there to underline the point.

Gabe Newell Simulator Looks Like It's Adding Linux Support, Oh My
18 November 2015 at 5:46 pm UTC

Well if it's gonna exist, it seems appropriate that it be on Linux.

Hard West, The XCOM-like Supernatural Western Strategy Game Has A New Gameplay Video
16 November 2015 at 7:29 pm UTC

I just hope they're good. You can always write more story if you don't have a ton, but if you release a crap story it's harder to take it back.

Falcon Northwest Is Another Company To Remove Their Steam Machine Offering For Now
16 November 2015 at 7:25 pm UTC Likes: 5

Watching the release of the Steam Machine unfold, I don't know what to think. Part of me feels like I'm watching these pitiful little eggs and the incubator light is blinking on and off with lousy wiring and I'm just thinking "Come on, come on, you lousy piece of &^%!, just hold out long enough to hatch me some chickens!!!" and getting this sinking feeling that it won't.
Another part is starting to feel like rather than a release, I'm basically watching a huge beta. Which maybe means they'll be gathering info on what people felt was missing (IMO polish, multimedia) and they're going to roll out the upgrades and when Alienware's next generation is ready they'll basically do a relaunch.
Still another part thinks "Hell, for all we know despite all the tepid press, lack of big PR and bits of bad news like this, actually the massive Steam sales channel is quietly doing its magic and in the end sales will be quite big."
Just don't know what to think.

Ars Technica Benchmarks Show Windows 10 Beating SteamOS Performance
14 November 2015 at 7:37 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: reaVer
Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: reaVerYes and yes.
This has been debunked over and over and over again. There were no articles for Zoe's games while she was together with Nathan. In fact, the only two articles that Nathan wrote was one for Kotaku, before he was in a relationship with her (and that wasn't even a review) and one for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, where the game is shortly mentioned. No full review, nothing while they were dating.

No one ever managed to produce any of the alleged review articles Zoe allegedly received by "sleeping around". This is and always has been a character assassination.
You think someone would get targeted like that by thousands of people without actually instigating anything?
Yes. Duh.
Mobs and gossips and bullies do that kind of thing all the time. Had you not noticed that large scale cyberbullying has become one of the distinctive social problems of the internet era? People commit suicide from it. In Canada we haven't forgotten Rehtaeh Parsons.
In any case, this is not an argument. If you want to claim person X did thing Y, and someone shows the evidence that person X did not do thing Y, the only valid thing you can do is produce actual evidence that they did.

Ars Technica Benchmarks Show Windows 10 Beating SteamOS Performance
14 November 2015 at 7:26 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: Purple Library GuyI guess if I'm not with you, I'm against you?
No, but you do have see who is using a group you belong to, you identify with, to justify doing harm. I do not want to stand idly by while someone who purports to speak for me does harm.

That's why I speak out against Richard Dawkins, despite identifying as an atheist. That's why I speak out against fefe, despite him being in similar computer-ish circles than me. That's why I take a hard stand against the crocodiles, despite being one of those geeks who enjoys the odd game or two.

I just have little patience left for people who so blatently throw in arguments that have been debunked so. many. times. That I have debated so. many. times. This whole blunderbuss boiled over a year ago, and by now, I nearly count people who still unreflectingly parrot the "collusion!" line as lost causes.

And yes, what is "doing harm" is subjective. I do have ideologies and biases -- and I'm quite open about them. And there are certainly issues that are important enough for me that I can't "agree to disagree".

My little digression about certain political issues here in Germany was quite overdrawn, yes. It's a thing that's been on my mind a lot lately, considering I live in the middle of it. There is a significant overlap between the crocs and several factions of neo-reactionaries and identitarians; you just have to look at what Breitbart otherwise publishes, for example.

I don't even mean to insult or implicate Nyamiou; I don't know the person enough to judge one way or another. I wanted them to see from what corner they get their arguments from, their views on culture. And I may have gone a bit overboard there.
Fair enough. Just to be clear, I'm quite in agreement with you about all the vicious knuckle-dragging crap burbling around this "gamergate" thing.
But mistrust of the media is hardly a pastime limited to the dangerous right. I still haven't seen a serious challenge to the validity of Chomsky and Herman's "propaganda model" of the corporate media.

Ars Technica Benchmarks Show Windows 10 Beating SteamOS Performance
13 November 2015 at 11:04 pm UTC

I had originally thought that maybe if Valve was going to make this push for the Steam Machines, that they'd do an end run around NVidia and AMD's co-operation if necessary by pouring resources into the open source drivers, getting 'em to rough parity with Windows drivers by Steam Machine release. They've had a bunch of extra time, after all. But nope.