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Latest Comments by elmapul
X-Plane 11 system requirements revealed, needs plenty of RAM
16 November 2016 at 11:01 am UTC

wtf with this system requirements?
are they making an game with WebGL runing on a browser inside an virtual machine writen in java?

Alienware manager on Steam Machines lull: Windows 10 changed things
15 November 2016 at 1:42 pm UTC

Quoting: Seegras
Quoting: elmapulwine dont fully support Dx9 yet, the support for dx11 is not a big thing yet and they will fully support dx12?

Wine is an open source project. If you decide to write code for DX12, and nobody else wants to write the missing code for DX9, this is what happens.

Here's a list of what's missing:

ok, but it takes time if the Dx9 support is not fully implemented, imagine the Dx12...
well, at least dx12 is like vulkan and should not do many things leting the developers do instead...

Alienware manager on Steam Machines lull: Windows 10 changed things
15 November 2016 at 4:57 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: neowiz73well on the business side of things, Microsoft won't completely go walled garden until they know they have all the major companies on board with it. So far EA has their own storefront setup that I don't think they want to relinquish everything to the MS store anytime soon.
Everything is in flux, which is why things with SteamOS have stagnated. But with more vulkan development around the corner. all throughout next year should start the next evolution of gaming, which is where we will see DX12 and Vulkan go head to head and we find out the performance is almost identical. with some edge cases of each API having better performance over the other.

plus wine will get dx12 support which I'm really curious to see what sort of performance there will be. (i'm assuming there will be little to no performance hit). which will be all the more reason for Steam to incorporate their own version of wine at that point, as part of their runtime. this will help to alleviate most compatibility issues on Steam OS.

When it comes to the mainstream gamers all they want is for things to work without much fuss. it all boils down to what games can I play and what is the performance compared to price. Where as most of us geeks it doesn't matter so much.
Wine, Vulkan and DX12 development will be a good time for Steam OS to try to shine. Which will be over the coarse of the next couple of years.

wine dont fully support Dx9 yet, the support for dx11 is not a big thing yet and they will fully support dx12?

Alienware manager on Steam Machines lull: Windows 10 changed things
14 November 2016 at 11:25 pm UTC Likes: 2

"He also mentions that the limited library we have compared to Windows is an issue, which is obvious, but slowly improving with time. "
i hate to say it, but, the windows library is growing faster, we grow up to 20% of the number of games on windows but we are at 20% for a while, i dont think this will change until valve futher pushes steam machines.

Pixar Film Production show off how they use Linux and OpenGL, open sourced a major tool
12 November 2016 at 2:25 am UTC

shit! i need quote this video, any one has an backup? its not online anymore =\

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild
12 November 2016 at 1:22 am UTC Likes: 1

"People buy consoles not only because they want exclusives but also because they don't want a gaming computer, they want a maintenance free gaming machine hooked up to their TV in the living room."
you maybe right, buy why they didnt buy steam machines?

"Even if they get paid more than they would have made on other platforms, they have limited their exposure. "
yeah, beacause i'm pretty sure no one knew tombraider os street fighter before microsoft/sony signed an temporaray exclusivity deal with then...

" Some developers would still choose to make games for one or a limited number of platforms,"
that is true for games that arent so popular the company may bet on the platform where most of their consumers are, if the cost of doing multiplatform is greater than the reward.

"They are officially available and have been for a while. If you search the steam store for steam machines, you get links out to Dell, Syber and a couple of others. They have been featured on the Steam Store. They really have been released. "
they didnt even update the thumbnail, there are 3 pictures but only 2 of then work and one of then is pointing to the wrong product.
there are only 2 oem partners left.

"Eh? They advertise Steam Machines on their store there. They list no less than 5 different brands."
are you fucking kidding me? i'm talking about tv ads, popunder on webpages, banners on the real world, or ads that get at least 1 million of views on youtube, is that asking to much?
they did an poor job at marketing and didn't try again enough times to make it sucefully.

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild
11 November 2016 at 10:42 am UTC

Quoting: BeamboomWhy are we writing off SteamOS already? We know Valve? We know Valve-time?
There's no announcement that they have ended the SteamOS project. This will take time. Valve time.

SteamOS haven't even gotten out of beta yet - that's why there's no SteamMachines (with a very few experimental exceptions). It's not officially available yet - you can participate as a beta tester if you like, but it's not meant for public consumption.

One can discuss the period behind us, and by God that's been discussed a lot now, but it's not gone. It's not over. Not yet.

there are 2 failures with this.

1)SteamOS haven't even gotten out of beta yet
WTF? the product is being sold! imagine if you purchase an car, then during an curve at an high speed you realize you cant turn at high speeds, you almost die and when you contact the support, they say, "oh we sold you an beta products, its not ready yet, so you will have to wait for it to be ready to be able to fully enjoy it" would you acept it? and even worse, you ask when it will be ready? aaaany moment now.... yeah, some day it will, it could take centuries but certainly one day it will.
would you be thankfully to have invested money on a product that you cant use? or be pissed off and ask for an refund or sue the company?

2)the reason why valve long time strategy did work, was because people already purchased computers anyway, they didnt buy computers and waited for it to be usefull, they purchased it after they knew they can use it for something, then they got new features and new reasons to buy over time and one day one of those features were games. consoles on the other hand dont sell unless they have games, they can sell if people believe they will have more games someday, but they will end up disapointed and not wanting to bet in the brand anymore.

hardware have an limited life-span, that is why consoles are split between generations.
people buy an new machine to play the lastest games otherwise they would stick to what they already have.
why would anyone buy an steam machine? so in the future the games they want to play may be avaliable for steamOS? even if it can't run on their machines because the minimum requirements where higher? that defeat the purpose of the sale/product itself! no one want buy and wait.
even if they buy, they could install windows on it anyway.
even worse, they can use, think that it sucks, realize it is linux and think it sucks, try to sell to someone else for cheaper and make another person repeat the cicle.

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild
11 November 2016 at 10:09 am UTC

Quoting: slaapliedjeI don't know how one could even gauge whether or not Steam Machines have failed. Companies are still making them, right? How have they failed in that case?

Having lived through the life of the Atari Jaguar (as short as it was) and the fact that it lives off of homebrew titles still, I'd consider that a failure in the mainstream, but people still love it. Steam Machines are still being made, more games are being released for it, and the library is getting larger every day. So really, how are they a failure? Have they sold millions of units? No because they have various versions. We'd have to count every machine that has pre-installed SteamOS to count it, and I don't see Dell, Zotac, Syber, etc releasing sales numbers yet.
every steam machine includes an steam controller, and steam controller are sold separately, also, every console have support at least 4 controllers and steam controllers work on Pc too, valve stoped marketing steam machines, or featuring it on their store, but they do with controller, they arent planing ship it world wide or exapand their market to other countries but they do with the controller and link.
and steam controller sold less than 1 million of copies

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild
11 November 2016 at 9:19 am UTC

Quoting: slaapliedjeThere are no such things as Exclusives!!! As soon as the PC is powerful enough, there will be an emulator for them. :)

At least that's how I look at it. Game consoles are stagnant hardware platforms. And anymore, they literally are chunks of x86 compatible hardware with a specific OS. Virtualize that OS and you can run any of the 'Exclusives' eventually.

this is the only generation that consoles are using x86.
ok, xbox original was x86, but only it.
and even in the current gen, wiiU is still powerpc.

as for perfect emulation, there is no such thing as perfect emulation:

User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild
11 November 2016 at 9:14 am UTC

Quoting: m2mg2
Quoting: denyasisI am in the same boat with exclusives, I think they are a bad idea, but I seen how they can work to the advantage of the console company.

Anecdotally, my co-workers who are console gamers all own multiple consoles, specifically due to exclusivity. I've actually heard this exact conversation many times:

"Hey bro, you should go get [console X] so we can play [game y] together!"
and usually right after payday, some one comes up and says "Hey I got the console and game, wanna play?"

Now yes, they just dropped several hundred dollars for to play one game, but as calvin pointed out, they now have a system guaranteed to play every game released for that console and they are unlikely to only ever purchase one game over the lifetime of the console ("Hey bro, [games y 2] just came out, are you getting it?).

While it's just my personal experience, I can see how exclusives to work for the console company from a business point of view. I still think they are a bad idea, especially for linux. I think our user-base is too small to make it a sound financial strategy.

Yes, they are good for console companies. They are bad for everyone else though.

The developer/publishers game ends up with a smaller player base (not everyone that wants to play the game is willing to or has the money for multiple consoles) and users either miss out or have to buy a whole additional piece of hardware. You double your console spending budget that would have been better used buying more games. The games are already going to be worthless when the next generation console come out, now not only do your games have a lifespan but you have less of them because you had to buy a whole different console.

ok, lets assume that your most profitable game ever made 200 millions in profit, but each new game you made, you sold less than the previous. (eg: 200, 180, 150, 110....) and you reinvest allmost everything that you made in profit to make an new game...
if some one off you 1 billion for exclusivity, would you refuse?
companies that have an exclusivity deal have nothing to lose with the deal, nothing. if they sell 0 copies they already made profit.
if they sell, even better.
companies that make consoles give more money to the game developer than the game will make in profit, why? because they will help sell the console, so the install base of the console grow and they make more money in each game sold for the platform.
you could argue that gamers are the ones who lose, but i will discuss this a bit:
what would happen if nintendo didnt make exclusives for their consoles anymore nor paid for thirdyparty exclusives? sony did the same, microsoft the same with xbox.
what would happen?
nintendo would not sell any console, nor sony neither microsoft.
all games would be done to windows, some to mac, and a few to linux.

we wouldnt have an world without exclusives because windows would still have 7000 exclusive games (only counting steam) 4000 that have an version for win and mac and the 3000 ones left that have an version for linux (mostly indies) would also be avaliable for win/mac so most of people wouldnt consider swich for linux anyway.
as you can see, even on an windows without exclusives, we would still have exclusives due to direcx or marketshare (companys that dont want to support, because the cost of support an platform is greater than the profit from it)

and different from what the stupid people who say: "pc master racers" think, if PC won, they wouldnt be able to play all their games on windows.
why? becasue microsoft would do special versions such as "windows home, premium, ultimate" where only the most expensive can play all the games (they would do exclusivity deals anyway)
or things like "buy the ultimate to unlock the full potential of your computer!" for those who want to play on ultra.

at least with consoles around, microsoft have an reason to keep improving their products instead of let then years without any major evolution while they try to dominate other markets (as they did with the internet explorer)

so an world without exclusives would never exist, if we insist in pursue this what we will got instead is an world with thousands of windows exclusives and no other option to gaming (no nintendo, no sony) if we were lucky enough to microsoft not doing what nintendo did when they were the major gaming platform: if you want to make games to our console, you can only make games for our platform.