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Why Linux games often perform worse than on Windows
29 October 2016 at 2:04 pm UTC

Quoting: ElectricPrismThis article outlines a term that I've created to describe the situation -- LinuxTax™

for those games with an 10% performance difference, i agree that the "Linuxtax™" solves the problem, but for those who perform 50/80% worse as said by another comment, i doubt it.

HTC Vive VR demo on Linux used Kubuntu at SteamDevDays
14 October 2016 at 2:26 pm UTC

What's interesting is that they didn't use SteamOS for the demo, what are your thoughts as to why they used Kubuntu?

maybe they want to show that:
it will work on other linux distributions too, such as ubuntu, not only SteamOS.
and it will work on other DE too, not only Unity, so they show'd KDE instead of Unity.

or maybe the Steam Machines arent powerfull enough, so if they used the SteamOS, it could imply that it would run on any steam machine...

You can help fund the Unreal Engine Editor development specifically for Linux compatibility
13 September 2016 at 2:53 am UTC Likes: 6

Quoting: t3gI hope this developer realizes that Epic is going to take his code, lock it down, not give it back to the community (it's not GPL), and then make millions of dollars from publishers while he gets $0 and has to resort to the good will of a "community" to fund his efforts to help Epic keep their code proprietary.

If the code was going to remain open for everyone to use, then his efforts aren't wasted as others can learn from it and use that knowledge for their own games. But since he insists on contributing to the existence of non-free software free of charge, he's a fool.

except that he is charging for it, and will not receive $0 if we donate?

the issue is, if we dont do anything, unreal games performance on linux will suck, if we do, we will be helping an proprietary software company.

either you let the windows proprietary windows and its ecosystem dominate the market, or you let epic do that, there is no perfect solution here, but an double edge.

if you care so much about this, why you buy proprietary games on steam (that is also proprietary) anyway?

linux need good game ports, otherwise it will not get new users.

Dear Valve and Steam Machines OEMs, you have it all wrong
12 July 2016 at 4:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

"it's looking like Steam Machines may stall hard. So what is out now may end up being all there ever is. But I sure would like to be proven wrong on that."
[edit] i forgot to comment that.
alienware relased an new model recently so its very unlikely.

"Good products are what should drive sales"
in a perfect world, consumers are smart and do the right decision, but in a perfect world they already use linux on desktop anyway.
in the real world, companies put 75% of their bugdet on maerket instead of Research/Development, only 25% goes to R/D, Q/A etc.
if an good product were what drive sales, gamecube would sell more than ps2, it was stronger.
people would be using linux because it have an better performance (but since they arent, we get poor ports and poor performance as an result)

"Also being released after Windows can be turned around - majority of casual games really don't care when games are released. "
80% of the sales of an AAA are done in the first 2 months after the relase.

Dear Valve and Steam Machines OEMs, you have it all wrong
12 July 2016 at 6:08 am UTC

" This has the potential to be a massive selling point over this last console generation, which was underpowered on release."
except that they will relase PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio, i'm the only one here who read the news?

"Customers do not want exclusives. Customers want good games. Console vendors, and Microsoft, try and use good games as exclusives to force customers to buy their product over competitors. Exclusives hurt customers. However, I don't have a problem with games releasing on one platform first and then others (I think a year is to long though, 3 months or 6 at most is reasonable). Fanboys may want exclusives so that they have something to hold over fanboys (or even regular owners) of other systems. These sick individuals are an extremely small portion of customers however and are unimportant. They can love their chosen platform without exclusives and they will."
1)exclusives drive sales, sales bring thirdyparty support, wich lead to good games on the platform.

2)exclusives do hurt customers, but we can't chose to live in a world without exclusives, its an utopy because¹, the real choice is: have tens exclusives and all thirdypart games? or have no exclusives and only an small subset of the thirdyparty games with an inferior performance due to poor ports?
its not about a world with exclusives or a world without, its a world with 5000 windows exclusives because valve refuse to do 1, or a world with ~10 windows exclusives, ~10 linux exclusives everything else multiplat.
and in the later on those exclusivty contracts may expire within time.

its not about being a fanboy, if an product have everything that the other have+something its a better product. if both platforms have exclusives they pick the one with the best exclusives.

"I don't see new AAA games coming anytime soon with the apparent stagnation of Linux steam usage, judged by Steam stats."
looks like we will receive a bunch of games at the end of this year

"Steam boxes have the advantage of using a free OS, something XBox doesn't have and it's been wasted."
Microsoft dont have to pay thenselfs for the operating system.

"So instead of having my baby crying I have chosen to buy him an Xbox one "
why not an ps4?

"(Yes, KSP is planned, but we are playing it for years now on Linux). And these are serious, big games, that you can justify to call AAA."
no they're not
"Please folks, just drop using this term (AAA). It's practically useless because it's highly ambiguous and confusing without explaining every time what's implied. "
games that cost up to 200 millions to make and put 50~75% of their budget on marketing.

also the preice is wrong.
people chose PS4 over XboxOne because it had an better hardware and they thought it would be the best place for multiplatform games, but they change their mind and pick an xboxOne instead when microsoft drop the price by 50USD! that is how much they care about graphics.
sony had to do the same to keep leading.

i dont give a shit about the amount of games avaliable, the ones that i want to play arent avaliable, and i dont see why should i put money on it, if valve isnt willing to put.
every company put 50~75% of the cost of production of a product on marketing and only 25 in R/D, valve didnt put a 1 cent on marketing.

i will keep buying all linux games that interests me (even a little bit) at full price and everything else on high sales only after i finish my linux collection, but i will not wait forever for the linux year on desktop or console to play the games i want.
im waiting since 2008 and the marketshare didnt change, i hoped it would with steamMachines at least on gaming, but it didnt happen, consoles are the market to go, the market that change every 5 years and nothing!

Steam Machines are dead in the water according to Ars, not quite
3 June 2016 at 5:34 am UTC

" It doesn't help some sites, like the one Liam refers to have done a hatchet job either intentionally, "
the intention does not matter, the fact that they did it does.
just think as any normal gamer would think:
they probably never heard of Steam Machines, there is NO advantage in then and the media coverage don't help.

no matter if ts ars fault, valve fault or the hardware manufacturers fault or the poorly optimized ports fault.
its not a matter of who is fault for the failure, the fact is, the steam machines failed, and until valve change their strategy nothing will change.

Steam Machines are dead in the water according to Ars, not quite
3 June 2016 at 2:00 am UTC

Quoting: iniudan
Quoting: TheRiddickSteamOS is still not ready for mainstream consumption. Missing drivers, bad driver optimizations, library file issues, AMD is still largely missing for sysreq on software. And then there is the MAJOR AAA titles still not wanting to port to Linux (where is my Skyrim and Fallout4?).

Maybe some of those issues will be sorted out in the next 12 months I dunno. But Valve KNOWS what must be done to make it successful.

Indeed lot of issue, should be solved when game developer use of current gen of graphic API become generalized. Currently the only Vulkan based game I know are Ashes of the Singularity (it supposed to get ported to Linux) and DOTA2 (which is currently in a beta release for the Vulkan port).

the is the talos principle too

Steam Machines are dead in the water according to Ars, not quite
3 June 2016 at 12:29 am UTC

i can't believe how blind optimistic people are...

"SteamOS is still a "beta" it's not a released product "
the SteamOS is not an relased product but its embed at an relased product, i'm the only one who see an issue in sell an piece of hardware in which the OS embed to it is not ready for relase even 7 months after they start selling the hardware?
any consumer would go nuts with something like that.

(the steam machines are basically the same thing and to sell 500,000 is great imo!).
500,000 is the number of CONTROLLERS sold not the number of machines, read the news before comment on it.

"It took them years to get to where Steam is now"
yes, the issue is, people purchased pcs because they need/want browse the web, write documents, listen to music watch videos and play was an plus, and they could do those things regardless of the sucess or not of steam.
on consols on the other hand, people buy then to play and they are useless if they cant meet this, no one will buy an machine and wait years before it become usefull for anything, especially if they can just install windows on it to play more things with better performance as a lot of those people are doing.

"It will probably take them even longer to push SteamOS and Steam Machines through to where they can actually compete with the PS4 and Xbox One"
except that we would be at PS5 or PS6 by then...

"as was said they (MS/Sony) have 3>4 generations of system to have gained a market"
PS1 sold 100M units at the end of its generation, it won the consol market at its first gen, the first xbox sold 24M at the end of its gen, and at 7 months after relase im pretty sure it had sold more than 500K units. (that being optmistic assuming all 500K controlers are bundled with Steam Machines)

"Has everyone got the VR headsets yet?"
we dont know if VR will be a thing at all.

" is everyone playing games at 4k on their Xboxs or PS4s? "
XboxOne and PS4 cant do 4K that is why they will relase PS4 Neo and another XboxOne, every gamer know they will relase this, except if they are living in a cave on the last 2 months because the media cant shut up and talk about something else.

and Steam machines that arent tied to this generation count didnt drop the price yet, PS4 and XboxOne did.

Calling All Web Designers, We Need A New Look
2 October 2014 at 11:54 am UTC

In any case, contrary to popular belief, a dark background with clear leters is better to read (also its better if you're on a big screen like me, its almost the only option)

the problem is when you change from an page to another most of webpages are withe so this kind of hurt your eyes.

browsers need an soft transition =P

BTW: for those who want a darker background here, try stilish, the only issue is the twitter plugin.
last but not least, im a webdesigner but i'm too busy, so i don't know if i will try (especially because i don't know an internation credit card and do need money)

do you have any concept of what kind of design do you expect?