Latest Comments by Nasra
Looks like Homefront: The Revolution might be gearing up for a Linux release now
4 October 2016 at 11:36 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: darkszluf
Quoting: ungutknutNo. There's "snow":

ah right, it didn't started with mesa back then at the release , have to try again.

It didn't start with nvidia drivers too... have to try again too ;)

CD PROJEKT RED replied to me about The Witcher 3 and Linux, flat-out denying to answer any questions
7 September 2016 at 10:48 pm UTC Likes: 3

I think the delay is due to VP's Witcher 2 port.

VP's Linux version of Witcher 2 demands more power to run than Windows version. So, if they want to port Witcher 3 to Linux, they waits untill average linux configurations could run Witcher 3 with a VP port.

Project Cars official twitter confirms to me there are no plans for it on Linux now
7 August 2016 at 11:53 pm UTC Likes: 6

In the need to contact Valve for this situation, i think it commercialy deserve SteamOS too.

Witcher 3, Project Cars, Batman, Street Fighter 5 (?) (if we take only AAA games)...

System Shock Pre-Alpha Demo now available on Linux, nearing stretch goal
17 July 2016 at 9:03 am UTC

45-75 FPS for my AMD FX8350, GTX970 at 1080p on Elementary OS 0.3 (based on 14.04.3). I'm not sure if it is bad optimised but it is stable and playable :)

Dungeon Defenders developers Trendy need help updating the Linux version
14 June 2016 at 10:36 am UTC Likes: 2

I've played it, but had some issues with controllers (lag, inputs not recognized).

I think their problems where presents in 2013. Maybe it'll be a good thing to seek and destroy bugs on this port to understand how a linux port could function.

Open source RTS '0 A.D.' alpha 20 Timosthenes released
7 April 2016 at 8:41 am UTC

I think the problem of performance must be a priority for the developpement of this great game.

Tomb Raider will release for Linux on April 1st (Correction: release date was a glitch)
24 March 2016 at 11:18 pm UTC

Tomb Raider functions great with wine, i've play a little with wine...

With the native version, i will certainly complete it ;)

SNOW, a CryEngine powered open-world winter sports game now on Linux & SteamOS
30 January 2016 at 9:06 am UTC

Quoting: pete910well, downloaded to give it a go, no joy unfortunately.

 .local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.

Is the only error it throws. Seem to remember another game used to do this but forgot which one.
Same thing for me... no solution for now.